Agent Dale Pooper-Scooper

Honestly, that's much worse

Fuck Antifa, FUck the Nazis ten times harder but Fuck Antifa

I don't think assassination is a good idea, but there wont be a civil war because of it, and if there is…maybe people on the left can start buying some guns of their own.

Quit being so afraid, yes we are dealing with a very serious issue, but panic doesn't help you or anyone else. There was plenty of rioting in the 60's, this country has a long history of riots, bombings and military skirmishes, we will get through this.

This country was bigoted and racist long before Donald Trump became president. People talked pretty damn frank about it not so long ago too.

No we won't. We MIGHT have rioting, we can live through rioting.

Don't get me wrong, I am usually not very excited to wake up everyday in the morning and some people deal with a life of trauma and shit, which doesn't exactly put you at the command center of your mental reactions, but it is possible and arguably the only thing worth doing. Meditation seems to be the key from what I

I actually have a weak spot for some of her songs, but her being un-apologically part of the 1% and her cold personality (i presume?) makes her someone I would not want to meet at a dinner party or have any reason to interact with (i'm sure she's nice enough, I just have a chip on my shoulder).

Thank you much, I just might!

Its those things and positive things. Ying and Yang, all things transient, you can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven, you control your perception and reaction to the world etc. etc.

I'll opt for all

Symbolic victory and practical victory, a true win win. Good on Swift.

Which ones are the ones that matter and which ones are the ones that don't?

What's the avocado and does it come with toast?

She could win one dollar and donate a few thousand (or million, she is rich) to a woman's shelter on top of it.

Maybe you're into roleplay?

Ha! I love how it was for only a dollar. Kind of shows exactly what his career and self is worth (though in reality less)

Luckily I am from an island inhabited only by women who are descended from Greek Gods, so I know them only by what I've read.

I didn't hear about this until a few days ago and I am shocked that someone had the gall to do that to Taylor Swift when she was already so famous. Not to say it is okay to do this to any woman, but you would think the asshole would be intimidated enough by her position and…ya know, her army of body guards. The fact

Well, if it is an industry filled with white, workaholic sociopaths, then the best people to hire would be other white workaholic sociopaths that can relate to and do business with them. This gives them "merit" to the company. Meritocracy means "best suited for the job" it doesn't mean "best at math, best at