Agent Dale Pooper-Scooper

Something people should understand about this guy. He is an engineer. Most modern day terrorists are engineers. There is something about an engineer's brain that increases the probability that they are unable to deal with ambiguity and things that do not fit into neat categorical boxes. This increases their likelihood

First off, meritocracy is not an out and out good thing. Wall Street bros and Oil companies are the best at making billions of dollars, that doesn't mean their jobs are a social good and therefore they deserve to have all that money.

I concede him being a republican, I mostly remember him from the early 2000's talking about gay marriage. The thing that bothers me about the back and forth is that the people promoting these biological difference articles are usually adherents to "scientism" so if you want to beat them at their own game, you have to

I do get whiffs of his misogyny, I wasn't aware of the unacceptable racism. Either way, the merit of the argument is what matters and I would like to see someone refute his argument in a satisfying manner. This article does a fairly good job but doesn't attack the "science" part entirely to my satisfaction: https://ww

I haven't read the memo yet, but I would be interested in everyone's take on Andrew Sullivan's article on this (skip the trump stuff) http://nymag.com/daily/inte…

Agree, James was the most teenager out of all of them.

I didn't realize that happened, please don't spoil anything but does the pace get quicker than these last episodes?

It will end with Cooper or Becky staring at a light as everything is bathed in white. Ya know, how he ends about half of his movies.

I just figured it would be one season and that's it. It was never a possibility that this would happen that I was stunned when it was announced. I figured with everyone aging it would have to be one season and that's it. We'll see how it wraps up but i'm fine with just one and done.

I don't know who Paul F Tompkins is, but now I know I don't like him.

We'll miss you too!

Can you sort by oldest/newest?

Is everything going to be super scrolly?

The original scene of him singing this song is good, kind of hokey but good emotion in it. The scene last night wasn't James pining for some old glory, it was a person lamenting something that is lost and will never be returned. That is poignant, at least to me.

I thought they were at a third location, some private club in the woods or something.

If it makes you feel better, I don't know shit about paintings and fine art and love the fuck out of lynch and other surreal films from the 20th century.

I really liked that moment in the original series. I thought it was rather heartbreaking to see Donna watching him as he goes from looking at her to making eyes with Maddie.

I believe you are correct. How would Mr. C know what Richard Horne was up to and for that matter, why would chiefy McBiceps know anything about a school teacher from another state.

I thought I knew his background, I didn't a quarter of it. its….complicated.