They should at least take him to a Leafs game first.
They should at least take him to a Leafs game first.
I worked at a grocery store all through high school and college, and I can assure you there is no shortage of 30+ year old men who get pissed when 16 year old girls won't go out with them.
I so wanted that board game to be real when I read the book. I kept trying to think of ways to make a version of it, and wanted my Grandpa to build me a board for it. Sadly I was a little kid and limited in my abiltiy to make coherent rules and workable designs.
I had a housemate who never threw out his jizz kleenex. Occasionally someone would have to go into his room, and there would be this great pyramid of wadded up kleenex by the computer.
If it makes you feel better this is pretty much how my parents got together. In my father's case the husband was his best friend, and was staying with him after Mom kicked him out. When the ex-husband came back to pick up some stuff he found my father there. He went back to my father's place, got his gun, then came…
Its gotten to the point at work where I had to put up signs in the women's room to remind people to clean their pee/period blood/shit off the seat, and to flush the god damned toilet.
I'm tempted to print up a list of remedial potty training instructions.
If it were really Hell every other seat would have a baby with an unattentive parent in it.
Watching Rosemary's Baby I feel some sympathy for the husband. My boyfriend and I agree that selling your spouse to Satan is a reasonable price to pay to live in that appartment.
For me its unrealistic NYC appartments. Having looked for appartments several times in NYC, seeing unemployed people, or people with low paying shitty jobs who have massive Manhattan appartments takes me out of a movie.
I agree, I can't recall a single movie where "the protagonist is actually the killer they've been looking for" plot twist actually worked.
My weirdest one wasn't a roommate but he did live in the converted garage attached to the house we lived in. Our skeevy landlord told us that he was a nice mildly retarded man who was well supervised. This was not the case. In the three months he lived with us he got in several fights with his washing machine, gifted…
I've never read the comics, have no knowledge of the characters, stories, etc. but I really want to see this thing. It looks 100% totally in-fucking-sane to the point that even if its terrible it will be very very entertaining.
It could also hurts the professor's ability to recruit people into the lab if they got a reputation for sleeping with their underlings. Although, on the other hand I know a professor who had three wives who all started out as students.
Selection, prices, and staff who aren't superior hipster dicks?
I found the writing really lovely, but I found it impossible to care about anything that happened. Around the fifth magical love at first sight story I gave up.
No talking, no new crap
I should ask, do you ever want children? If not Esure is an option to look into. Its a form of permanent ligation that doesn't use surgery. The go up through the vagina and insert small coils into the fallopian tubes, which blocks them off. Its outpatient and only takes a little while, and they do provide lots of…
I used Ortho-low for years without a problem, but my shitty grad school insurance forced me to switch to whatever the cheapest generic available was. I suddenly went from very minimal side effects to crampy, extreme mood swings, weight gain, the works. I also grew two inches which may or may not have ben related.…
Other Doctors might, mine did not. I'm sure you could ask for it, but I had to get back to work later that day so I didn't want to be out of it. Its only painful because they have to force open the cervix to get it in there, but once they take the instruments out its fine.
Wasn't there a Moxy Fruvous song called Kick in the Ass, where the narrator just goes around delivering kicks in the ass to people who deserve it?