thiazin red

I was honestly surprised to hear Jamie Bamber's real voice when he was being interviewed about BSG.

I never knew what their name was, I just called them those god damned hand monsters.

I have to say, the first thing I though of when the crabs were coming down from the ceiling was the monster from Legend of Zelda. I hated those things!

The Slade song is something of a new Who tradition, so it makes sense to use it.

Shona really reminded me of Sally Harper from Coupling, the actress looked like she could have been her younger sister.

I feel like it isn't ambiguous either. If it were a man and a woman in the exact same scene would anyone be saying it was ambiguous?

Oh, and bacon. Apparently people in the African savannah were just chowing down on tons of bacon. Green beans are apparently not natural human food, but bacon is.

I do that too, but its a list on some paper in my desk at work.

I don't see any ambiguity at all. You've asked, she hasn't called. Sadly there is a lot of social conditioning that encourages women to avoid hurting the feelings of people asking them out by not giving a hard no. She is saying no, but wants to avoid the awkwardness of having to flat out tell you she doesn't want to

There was a professor at one of the universities I worked for, that had been married three times. Each of his wives was a former student.

From everything we've seen Ali just is evil. I can't think of anything on the show that has convinced me that Alison is, or was, anything other than a total monster.

I'm still pulling for the evil twin theory. The show has a recurring twin motif, with the good and bad little girls, the poster in Ali's room, etc. So to me it would make sense if that were to happen.

And Vampire Diaries.

The cake to frosting ratio is a bit different too.

I've tried making a couple and they all taste good. My personal favorite is the "Bruschetta-bout it".

I did spend a bit of Sixth Sense wondering why his wife was such a huge bitch.

The ending of Life of Pi made me retroactively hate the entire book.

But Duckie was a gross creep, really textbook "Nice Guy".

Ever since I read that he and the woman playing Jenny are married in real life, the whole Pete gets a new hot girl every week seems a bit weird. I know they're actors, but it has to be a little weird when your husband is cast as the hot chick magnet, and your character is married.

That was pretty much my take on it. The wrap around segment and most of the sequences were pretty gross. But, I thought the last segment was really impressive, the effects were well done, the story was good, and the cast weren't playing deeply horrible people.