thiazin red

I thought the names in District 12 are also meant to reflect class as well. The miners and lower class families have nature (Katniss, Primrose, Gale) or object related names, while the upper class have names closer to what we would consider more common (I assumed Peeta was meant to be a future Peter, Madge, Maisie).

I've been binge listening to Welcome to Night Vale and that segment made me think of Cecil and Kevin.

I didn't love the first segment about the eye transplant, but the other three were totally solid. I really disliked the first VHS apart from the last segment, so it was a very pleasant surprise when the second one turned out to be so good.

I thought Ted might have faked his own death too at first. He was talking about playing a prank on the group, and showing up to take away the beach house from the winner would be memorable.

That's what it looked like to me too. I thought they were going to reveal that either Pete or Jenny was having sex dreams about the other.

Rafi calling Kevin Brian and thinking that the two of them are best friends is always funny to me.

Ours can get really specific. We occasionally get something like: violent action thrillers from the 70s with a strong female lead.

Maybe the place just got fined, and the management is being strict. When I worked in a grocery store, we would get periodically fined for selling to underage people without checking their ID. Every time it happened our manager would insist that we start checking the ID of every single person who came through. This

Really? I though the opera was possibly the worst thing I've ever seen performed. I sat there wondering if the reviews had been planted as part of some elaborate practical joke to trick people into seeing that horrific POS.

I also prefer the Ring remake. I think its both scarier and more satisfying to see the answers come from an investigation rather than psychic-ex.

Andre is a very successful plastic surgeon, so him having a great place makes total sense. Pete having a nice place, not so much.

I found him getting dumped by her even better since his whole plan was something a genuinely horrible person would do. It wasn't a cartoonish sort of horrible, like stealing breast milk in order to get drunk, or giving baby Geoffrey androgel. It was a real, hateful sort of horrible.

I don't understand this mindset at all. Before I pick something to read or watch I want to first find out if it is something I would be interested in. In order to know if the subject matter interests me, I need to know some of the plot basics.

Android's Dream wasn't bad either, although I would rate it lower than the other ones I've read.

I feel like pointing out that Hammet had very little to do with the popular conception of Nick and Nora Charles. Book Nick is just a bog standard noir asshole, and Book Nora barely exists. All of the wit, sparkle, and charm came from the writers of the film and the actors.

Is there some definition of date being used that is very different from the commonly used one? What do you call it when you don't live with someone, but go out with them romantically as a couple?

I would imagine hanging out with a teenager probably helps Jake stay immature. It would be interesting to see what happens to Jake's personailty once Finn actually reaches adulthood.

I don't think the uneven tone can be blamed on the film makers since the book has the same problem.
As for Poots' character not seeming the type to get that upset about a boyfriend, in the book she just has zero impulse control.

Thats such an insightful and original joke. Its so true, no two things can possibly have the same premise but tell deifferent stories.

Hanna's homecomig updo was memorably awful.