thiazin red

The Mirena IUD is the best invention humanity has ever produced, the printing press can go fuck itself. No worries about taking pills at the right time, no hormonal swings, no worries about losing effectiveness if you take another pescription or get a stomach bug, and the best part no more periods ever. All of the

Nick Cave has plenty of good love songs:
Into My Arms
Lime Tree Arbor
Ship song
Strait to You
Are you the one that I've been waiting for?
Other good love songs:
I want you around (Ramones)
Picture in a frame (Tom Waits)
Strawberry Blonde (Mike Viola)
I Love You (Pipettes)
Question (Old 97s)

Is Horror in the Heights the one with the Hindu demon, where Kolchak realizes Miss Emily is his best friend?

The forgers' cricle of Hell in Dante's Inferno had quite a lot of fart demons if I remember correctly.

That was sureal, I grew up in upstate NY and there are plenty of people there who don't know Utica. Most of those that do know it have never been there and just know the name because of Utica Club, aka the cheapest available beer that isn't Genny Creamer.

The copy of Moby Dick I own has multiple footnotes to explain the fart jokes, which to me makes it much much funnier.

Thats part of the reason its such a shame that Cyberwoman turned out the way it did. Its one of the few stories to use the cybermen that way, and with a few minor changes could have been really good and scary. Make Lisa disgusting instead of "sexy" and it becomes an entirely different episode.
It also ties into the

The ghost ones are way better, Seattle has an abundance of gross/scary/super murderous stories. My favorite is the early 1900s city policy where one could get a reward for turning in a corpse, which surprisingly resulted in negative consequences.

I was watching Murder She Wrote and was struck by how similar the openings are. I'd love to see a youtube mashup where they switch the music.

Not a finger!

Seeing the set is the best part, the rest is disappointing. Taking that tour after seeing the Kolchak movie was like learning there isn't a Santa. You just walk down the street and occasionally file through some cramped basements. I mean obviously the whole city would collapse if the underground looked like it did in

One of the things I love most about Kolchak the character is that his goals are so small time. He has integrity and cares about the truth, but what he really wants is to win a Pulitzer and get a job at a real paper. That is his ambition, he isn't on some crusade and doesn't have some selfless goals in mind. The biggst

You can have better results than liposcution with no surgery, recovery time, or risk of side effects from anaesthesia. I think people would get over their issues about monsters pretty quickly.

Yeah, why the hell was Sam down on salted caramel?

I bet lots of people would go, even if they knew it was a fat eating monster. Like the sheriff, dramtic weight loss with no effort, who cares. People already get pedicures where fish eat the dead skin off their feet, doctors use maggots to clear out dead tissue, its not that much further.

Both of the main female roles were well cast and written. I was so glad Dean stepped up to tell the sheriff that her husband was a dick.

I though Hilton worked in the episode, and even is she didn't you had Ghandi and Lincoln fighting the Winchesters. So still a win.

In general I thought the guest parts this week were well cast.

It was an ok throwback random obscure monster episode. However, its still really frustrating that the writers hit the reset button with Dean every time they encounter a good monster. Its the same every single time, you'd think they've encountered enough over the seasons to have Dean be slightly less "kill them all" in

JWow and Pauly seemed like the only ones who could be decent people. So by comparison, they look amazing.