thiazin red

Wild in the Streets is the pinacle of the hysterical "OMG teens today are wild and out of control!" genre. While not quite as hysterical as say Kids (really though no movie can ever hope to be as hysterical as Kids) its pretty good, what with old people being rounded up and forced to take LSD.

After they get married book-Mary also apparently forgets Watson's name, and procedes to call him by the wrong one in her other appearances. I always assumed Watson wass just too much of a gentleman to correct her.

Human Elena had agency though, which makes vampire Elena so disappointing.

How I envision the contest all three would be given a script with several clones in it, thus they would have an equal number of clones. Basing it on their existing projects would obviously unfairly favor Maslany. The same people would direct and assemble the film, and then they would be judged on that.
I would still

The thing is, cyborg Matt is something I could honestly see happening. An awesome awesome thing.

Good idea, plus it would give us back Human Elena who was so much better than Vampire Elena.

Its like the dances/town events. Every single one of them has a body count and yet the townsfolk all turn out for every dance/event. You'd think that people would stop coming, but no.

She, Tatiana Maslany, and Anna Torv need to have a clone off to determine who is Queen of the Dopplegangers.

I swear the creators of the show must have somehow also lived with my college housemate Steve. Not only does he look like the roommate's boyfriend (the actor is a bit better loking because its TV), he is just like him. Its eerie.
The last episode where he eats all her food and refuses to unclog the toilet were regular

Its like those people who don't own a television, but aren't satisfied to just not own a television. They have to bring it up all the damn time, and seek out places to tell the world about how they don't own a television.

To be fair, any adult using baby/small child talk would be instantly unattractive to me no matter how good looking. Seriously how can anyone fuck someone who uses words like veggies, owie, tummy, etc. as a grown up?

My favorite Vapire Diaries moment, one sentence:
Its some kind of crazy-ass psychic witch attack!
How can you beat a show where that phrase can be said, it makes perfect sense in the show, and is dealt with using a flamethrower?

I never thought o that but its a good point. Troi could have been the one giving the advice, thus showing her to be good at her job. Her pyschic-ish abilites could have been tweaked to give her the intuitive powers.

Barclay seemed like a totally legitimate target for distaste. How would you treat someone who you knew made duplicates of you to fuck? Would you ever be able to look at them like a normal person?

I find that kind of thing creepily immature, like when adults want to have sex but instead say "lets play". Munches sound so overly cutesy and juvenile I would instantly find everyone there 100% unfuckable.

Is it worse with the rape stuff than Seven Brides for seven Brothers?
Seven Brides has an entire song about how awsome rape is, and how you shouldn't pay attention if the woman is sobbing and begging to be let go, she secretly wants it. Awsome dance fights can not make up for that.

The one lead is just like the girl described in Common People. He comes from a well off background but enjoys poverty tourism.

I suppose it helps that Angel and Collins are the only characters who seem like decent human beings.

That was exactly what I thought watching it. The two leads are the worst. They're like an extreme version of those people who suddenly hate a band after it becomes popular.
At the end everyone is even ready to turn on the one who made the documentary. Oh no, you have the opportunity for success in your chosen art

Another take on the story which has some cool sequences in the sleeping kingdom is the Matthew Bourne ballet where the good fairies are vampires (much better than I just made it sound).
I always wondered what happened to the rest of the people. In some of the versions, and the ballet, there are princes from other