thiazin red

I would argue that the Disney Sleeping Beauty is the only one to improve on the original fairy tale.
The King and Queen come across much better, as people who do try to protect their child rather than do nothing. The prince is someone Aurora actually knows and likes instead of a total rando who happens to show up at

Watching Hot Fuzz its pretty clear that the people making it have seen and loved plenty of action movies.

Neither, Producers for me.

I think what any really good spoof has is a knowledge of and affection for its subject. Something like Hot Fuzz or Young Frankenstein works because of the filmmakers know the movies they're parodying. You can be a fan of action or old Hollywood horror and enjoy them. The jokes come from the source material, not just

She was wondering if anyone has seen Rebekah. Rebekah was going to help her find out what happened to her father.

I see the writers of this show have been using Tina Belcher's erotic friend fic for inspiration. Touching butts with zombies is clearly not banned at witch school.

I kind of like that the characters don't even try to be heroic in a wider sense.

Considering Fiona, intelligence and making good decisions don't seem to be a requirement.

She might be stronger, but Crowley knows how to make a plan.

Word of mouth I guess? One of your buddies has a big change of fortune, miraculously recovers from an illness, etc. One day you ask about it and they tell you they traded their soul.

You'd think after years the other monsters would take Sam and Dean seriously.

There was the Becky eisode where the demon was killing people off so he could get their souls early. I believe they still went to Hell, Crowley was just angry because it would make people reluctant to sell their souls in future.

I really want to see those two in a movie adaptation of Good Omens.

People talk about Adam being a dangling plot line, but the preview for next week reminds me of another one. Remember the Anti-Christ?

Yeah, what the hell Dean! You can't give Cas a hard time for not calling you after you kick him out of the clubhouse.

I bet that relatively soon the boys are going to release Crowley. It seems like they're setting up Abadon as being much worse, and I can see them deciding that they'd rather have Crowley in charge of Hell.

Just about the only thing I liked in Not Another Teen Movie was the part at the end where the guy tries to convince the girl that she shouldn't give up her deams for a guy she dates in high school she'll break up with in a few months.

I really want to get congratulated for something in a way that means I can use that in conversation.

Louise's guess of breast organizers wasn't bad either.

Maybe becuase I saw it for the first time as an adult, but thats exactly how Ducky seemed to me. Especially when he talks about stalking her like its totally romanitc and not creepy.