Which is a really easy thing to explain in men. Like baldness, you get it from your mother's father because men have only one X chromosome.
Which is a really easy thing to explain in men. Like baldness, you get it from your mother's father because men have only one X chromosome.
Season one is totally terrible but entertiaing, so bad-good.
Season two has some moments that are actual good.
I have to admit when the "In ever generation" exposition was going I kept expecting it to break into the Buffy theme.
If bringing things back to life is her super power, that gives a perfectly good in story reason for bringing her back.
At least the opening episdoe features a girl with a Death vag being kidnapped by Vivienne Westwood.
She fell out of heaven to find out what happened to her dad. Has anyone seen Rebekah?
I honestly think the happiest possible ending to the show is Sam and Dean dying to save Earth one last time. They then get to go to heaven with Mom and Dad, Ash, Joe, Ellen, Pamela, Cas etc.
Its kind of feeling like the future Dean saw. Posessed Sam, human Cas with no powers. They better start hoarding toilet paper in the MOL bunker and stay away from Detriot.
I thought it was Angel April Young from Vampire Diaries.
Tonkin obviously spent her summer with a dialog trainer. Her American accent has improved quite a lot.
I thought they handled the issue really well and in an emotionally true way. As you reach a certain age it is sad to realize that you're getting too old to trick or treat. You might still find it fun and want candy, but know that you'll get weird looks from the adults and made fun of by other children.
At least Tarragon in 60 seconds and Bruscetta-bout it are really delicious. Tarragon is surprisingly good on burgers.
Beastman. Skeletor would have won so many times if not for the incompetence of Beastman.
Everyone on Torchwood on at least one occasion caused a potentially world ending disaster.
I always imagined Kirk pulling up to a starbase every few months for a new shipload of ensigns.
The first season they did have a fairly good record at producing an arrest or solution at least. It went downhill from there pretty damn quickly, but I was actually a bit surprised at that when i was re-watching it.
Pretty much everyone on In The Thick of It, as well with the possible exceptions of Malcom Tucker and Terri who did seem capable of doing their jobs.
One of the weirdest thing I've ever come across on late night tv was show called Gold Fever on the Outdoor Life Network. Its basically some idiot dragging his clearly very unenthusiastic children to some pace in the middle of nowhere and making them prospect.
At least I'm not the only person who doesn't like Michone. I kept hearing about how cool she was, but when I finally got caught up thought she was just really obnoxious.
Anyone who thinks Giving Tree is a positive thing to read to children/anyone should be sent to the forest of herpes trees.