I like to imagine that this book was written by the granddaughter of Sugar from Crimson Petal and the White (since they share an author). She found what was left of grandma's book Fall and Rise of Sugar and adapted it into sci fi.
I like to imagine that this book was written by the granddaughter of Sugar from Crimson Petal and the White (since they share an author). She found what was left of grandma's book Fall and Rise of Sugar and adapted it into sci fi.
I felt like all of the other characters on Six Feet managed to learn and grow from their experiences except Nate. Nate began as a tool and wound up remaining a tool.
When I was watching Buffy and Angel I was amazed how many abjectly horrible accents the show runners let through. Angel's was especially bad.
If anything Dale is weirder than plenty of the townspeople.
Or swap in one of the other actresses from the show. Lachman and Acker are both better.
When I was watching season two I kept thinking " I would watch a Supernatural type show with Jason and Andy, driving a truck, being idiots, and dealing with monsters"
I actually liked him in season four, but any male character will instantly lose my sympathy when they pull the "But I'm a maaaaaan, you should be worse at things than me so I can feel needed. I'm going to act like an asshole and guilt trip you for being too competant. Waahhhhh!"
I would pay much money to see Dobrev show up on season two of Orphan Black as a different set of clones.
I laughed so hard when after T-Dog died all the other characters start saying things like:
The fusion of (again I assume) South Sea mythology with cash grabbing rip off makes it unique and special.
My name was really popular the year I was born too. My childhood best friend actually had the same first and middle name as me. It took a while to not automatically tune out someone calling my name.
What really cofuses me is men who date adult women who talk like four year olds. How can you fuck someone who sounds like they should be in kindergarden?
Holy shit, someone else has seen Lady Terminator. I assume that movie makes more sense if you're Indonesian.
Only a few actually have any pumpkin flavor, most just taste like regular beer with a hint of cinnamon, which is gross.
Black licorice is disgusting.
Girl Who Waited from Dr Who would work too.
Hola Mishamigos!
Urge to kill rising
French Mistake and My Heart Will Go On from Supernatural would work for this category too.
I liked Normal Again as an episode, but never for one second bought that the "normal" world was a viable possibility.