
Please call it Aging Bull.

Those costumes are awesome.  The quarian is perfect.  That is all.

Yea I'm definitely looking forward to Sisko shaving his head, he looks pretty badass in the screen grabs I've seen.  Spicoli, I'm 1 episode away from the S2 finale, might watch it later today.  Unfortunately, like an idiot, I read the wikipedia page on DS9 a while ago and had some MAJOR things spoiled for me, oh well,

Started watching this show on Netflix a couple weeks ago, wrapping up Season 2, and, while I'm definitely enjoying it, the show kinda drops the ball here and there.  The one-two of the Cardassian boy and the handicapped engineer was a low point.  Duet, Paradise, and Necessary Evil are my favorites so far, any

Just wait man, just wait.

It's not the greatest, but like the others here, I saw it on cable a lot growing up, I have a soft spot for it.

The interviews with Harmon I've heard didn't make me like the guy, (especially when he was on WTF) and calling Chase out in front of his family is pretty shitty.  That being said, Pierce's "crazy old man" jokes got old a while ago, and he is, in my opinion, by far the most shallow and least funny character.  His

I read the first book after the first season, and enjoyed watching the show much more than reading the book, so I'm gonna stick with the show for now.  I usually prefer to read the books first, but the world seems much fuller and richer in the show than it did in the books.

That's what I thought.  The subtleties of this show made me wonder if i had missed a quick moment in a past season.  Sometimes it gets a little tough to keep track of who knows what, I always forget that Pete knows.  I really like how the massive secret of the first season has kind of become an afterthought.  Keep up

*Don's past.

Harry definitely lost weight, and in at least one scene, his clothes were way too big for him, Pete's a little paunchier and his suits don't fit as well, great little realistic touches.  Also, it was a throw away line, but Pete is losing hair.

Someone help me out here.  Read an article about this episode saying Megan now knows Don't past, along with Cooper, Pete and Peggy.  As far as i remember, ( and i watched most of the show pretty recently) Peggy is never shown to know Don's secret.  In the season 4 episode "The Suitcase" (where they spend Peggy's bday

This was the first WTF i couldn't finish.  Glad I didn't too, the second half sounds awful.  The guys sounds so pathetic and deluded, how he blames "racism" for not getting on a college basketball team, lacking the self-awareness to realize he's fucking forty years old and probably not that good, not to mention taking

Point is, they escalated his shenanigans with each appearance.  I wasn't giving a clinical diagnosis.

I watched a few episodes of Season 2 the other day, weird to see how far out they've taken Raffi's character.  He started out as just an annoying (but hilarious) douche weirdo, now he's a full-fledged psychopath?  When did that happen?  Even in the first episode of this season he was just a giant weirdo, they really

I read the book and liked it, but I can remember absolutely nothing about it besides the old man's true identity.  At the time I thought it was great, but if I can't remember the basic plot it probably wasn't that great.

Definitely worth reading.  It might sound taxing, but its really not, it's the most fun I've had reading a book in a while.  Its structure is pretty easy to follow, and if you keep your eyes open it's pretty easy to pick up on the threads connecting the stories.

How did Marc Maron think Donald Glover's last name was pronounced Glow-ver?  Though i now mentally pronounce it that way, I thought it strange a common surname would cause confusion as to its pronunciation.

The Donkey Kong Country Returns track is easily the best in the game.

I thought that kirsten dunst impression was awesome.