
Why didn't Hanna stress the fact that Charlie went through her shit and read her journal, then shared it in front of an audience?  While her opinions in the journal may have been harsh and not what Charlie wanted to hear, it was a private thought in a private journal.  If I was in a situation like that, I would have

Can't remember how it crept into my head, but someone mentioned that the woman who plays Daenerys is a pretty bad actress, this season she's been proving it.  Glad that her storyline is picking up though, her thread was one of the highlights of the first season.

I think she might cut out his tongue, that seems to be giving her the most trouble.

Holy Shit, that line about Great van Susteren eating hot dogs like Slimer made me laugh so fucking hard.

I seriously don't understand all the good reviews Last Night got, that was easily one of the worst books I've ever read.  The writing was plain and pedantic, the characters had no personality, and the plot was so fucking boring.

Having only read Last Night in Twisted River, I am extremely hesitant to read anything else by Irving, even though he's so well respected.  I hated Last Night so goddam much, it was like torture getting through it (i usually try to finish every book i start no matter what).  Anyway, if I didn't like that would I not

My problems have nothing to do with the show's politics, I'm glad they're avoiding that.  Maybe neutered wasn't the right word, but this show feels like a less funny, less acerbic rehash of The Thick of It, made in the same style and with some of the same spirit, but a lot looser.  A lot of the jokes kinda fall flat

Is something wrong with me?  I want to love this show but I'm not really liking it, it has some funny bits but it feels neutered and kinda sloppy.  I've seen a lot of stuff Ianucci has done and I've loved it all, but this feels watered down.  I'll keep watching but I've enjoyed each episode less than the one before

Noooo not another Queen of Jordan episode!  The first one is my least favorite 30 Rock episode ever.

People like Cars 2?  It was the first Pixar movie I didn't see in theaters, mostly just 'cause i didn't wanna spend money to see cars 2.  When i finally saw it, i couldn't finish it.  It was bad, like bad for Dreamworks bad.

Also, I'm probably in the vast minority, but I liked Bane's muffled voice more, it sounded menacing and robotic, whereas now he just sounds like a vaguely accented guy.

Maybe it's just the trailer, but this didn't do much for me.  I'll still be there on day one, and I have faith in Nolan, but I've realized I'll never be excited for this as I was for Dark Knight.  Probably a good thing.

I took that dazed expression on his face to be from the slap mccartney gave him, and trying to keep it together after that.

Yea! I'm only halfway through it, and i, like maron, keep wondering if he's making that shit up.

I actually liked Second Sight.  Rivals was completely disposable though.

Oh man i'd never seen that picture before, awesome.  I'd still be alllll over it.

Does Lena Dunham remind anyone else of Tina Fey?  Looks, sorta, but after reading Bossypants I had this image in my mind of a young, chubby Tina Fey stumbling through life, and Lena Dunham is pretty much that image.

I DVR'ed it, but that makes two Office recordings in a row i deleted about 10 minutes in.

I seriously can't watch this show anymore because of her.  I got 10 minutes into this episode and turned it off, and I think that's about it for me.

This episode lost me immediately, i groaned as soon as i saw the title card.