
was it just me or did kristen wiig look exceptionally attractive in that bit?  that wig really worked for her

I think I'm starting to dislike this show, I keep staring at the clock when I watch it now, and the characters are all grating and annoying (except for Phil and Luke).  Not sure if it's me or if the show's really gone downhill this season.

Glad to see someone mentioned the National/Reagan thing, I live in the D.C. area and i don't know anyone who calls it Reagan.  Also, that park looked nothing like anything in D.C.

Jesus christ, give it a rest already.

There should be a whole separate inventory of crossover tv episodes.  Or have they done that already?

I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to almost hate Claire.  I'm not sure if it's Julie Bowen or the way the character's written (probably both) but she is constantly petty, selfish, judgmental and unpleasant.  She started out as being kind of a wet blanket, but in the past year or so her character has become

Same here, I thought this was one of the better episodes this season.

Woof.  2nd terrible episode this season.

Wasn't it already established before that Gina Gershon was married?  I thought all the characters, especially Ben already knew…I seem to remember her mentioning a husband in one of her first episodes.  Was that supposed to be a shocker?

I think this has to be the best episode of this show yet.  from the first minute or so I was completely drawn in, something that rarely happens to me with this show.  while i usually enjoy it, i find myself drifting off during certain scenes.  not once in this episode.

Here it comes again the Wire Season 5 thread! Yes!  I think it's by far the weakest.  Hated it on first viewing, on second viewing it was fine.  Discuss.

Makes sense, I can't imagine this show running much longer than that anyway.

This episode was pretty good, considering Phil's storyline was not prevalent at all.  Episodes light on Phil usually rank on the lower end of things for me.  Also, I'm starting to find Sofia Vergara kinda meh, does that make me gay?

Community is definitely a more ambitious show, and while the show attempts to have deep characters that feel like real people, I'm not so sure they succeed.  Jeff is pretty much the same as he was in the first episode, just more tolerant of the other study group members.  Characters have backstory and definitive

Watched a few episodes from Season 1 the other day, this show is nowhere near as funny.  I find myself wishing it to hurry up and end so I can watch Parks and Rec.

Was that a remix of that Washed Out song at the end?  Sounded different than the one on the album.  Good episode, glad to see it got an A-, this show started out as a guilty pleasure, it's quickly becoming a legitimate one.  And i'm getting over the weirdness of Lake Bell's face, she's got a real unique beauty, so

An American remake would pretty much just be Super 8, wouldn't it?  Also, if they make a sequel I'd appreciate some likable characters this time around.  Dug the movie overall, well-made and such, but fuck all those hoods, I wanted them to die, especially the kid who got his head ripped off.  Hard to get into a movie

this and liberty bell are easily the worst episodes ever.  this one was slightly better, in that it managed to make me laugh at least once.

Second that.

I really enjoyed this first episode, looking forward to where they take it.  It made me sympathize a little for a friend who's a lot like Amy, really into New Wave-y stuff that she applies to all facets of her life without much success.  In fact, almost everyone rolls their eyes at the things she says involving