
What about The Metamorphosis? and The Trial?  Kafka has a lot of published work, go to amazon and type his name in.

Really surprised to see people didn't like the Detective Chang storyline, I found that shit thoroughly hilarious, one of my favorite Community moments so far.

I think Chappelle's show was crazy overrated, it had some really funny bits, but it was wildly uneven and hit or miss, like most decent/mediocre sketch shows.  When it hit highs, it produced some of the funniest sketches in recent history, when it hovered in neutral (which was most of the time) it relied on lazy

Isn't the lyric "feel so suicidal just like dylan did to joan"? in reference to joan baez attempting suicide after dylan treated her like shit? cause im pretty sure thats what it is

Really agree with the point that this show's NYC feels real.  Never been a resident, but I've spent a lot of time there, they really nail the city's low-key glamour and grime, the history and identity of every shop, restaurant and street corner.  I can't think of any recent representation of the city that revels in

Man, the first thing I thought of was the "Pre-Taped Call In Show".  I thought they'd set it up so that she'd be responding to previous questions with increasingly weird answers.  Oh well, that would have required a lot of thought and effort, not something this show does.

Is that an Underworld reference?  If so, nicely done sir.

I thought Season 2 overall was pretty damn solid, though "Swiss Miss" and "Pipeline Fever" I wasn't too crazy about, sometimes if I'm not in the right mood the lesser episodes of Archer get on my nerves, I think that's what happened with those two.

I was really looking forward to this, gotta say I'm disappointed.  SLT was disappointing too, but kept enough of their sound from the first album to still be interesting, and yes, it did grow on me after a while.  "Yankee Go Home" and the title track are some of the best songs they've done, the rest are just kinda

They should do this, and start a trend of channels so focused on an audience it leaves most people wondering why it exists.  Also, why haven't they done an Adult Swim network yet?  There's gold in that shit, they have hours and hours of original programming that has a rabid, built-in audience.  I would watch the fuck

Next in bullshit hipster marketing: The Wes Anderson Collection on Super 8.

I don't get the cassette thing.  If you wanna go retro, do vinyl.  Tapes sound like shit, they're obsolete for a reason.

For me the biggest discrepancy in their talents is on "Nutmeg" from Sit Down, Dude.  Heems rides on that tricky beat almost as well as Ghostface on the original.  "Jesus on the cross paid the cost to meet the boss"? That shit's sick.  Kool's not terrible or anything, just nowhere near as good.

I'm digging this album a lot, Heem's verse on the title track is one of the best i've heard from modern hip-hop in a loong time.  Am i the only one who thinks Kool A.D. kinda drags the group down though?  His verses are always off-rhyme gibberish and repetition. Heems seems to be taking an MC somewhat seriously, Kool

That was the laziest ending to a show I've ever seen.  I was on the lighter side of "Fuck this shit" until that post-credits scene.  Good riddance.

Having worked at both, I couldn't disagree more.  I worked for Borders from 03 to 06? and B&N from 09 to this past April.  Borders was MUCH better at tolerating the idiosyncrasies of its staff, regarding piercings, tattoos, etc.  The B&N I worked at had a fairly strict dress code, no piercings besides ears rules, and

Gave it a few days to soak in, this special wasn't very good.  My dad watched a few minutes and said it sucked, i struggled to defend it.  Love Patton, but his ruminations on family life don't hold a candle to his wonderfully verbose deconstructions of random bullshit in our culture.

Ashton Kutcher and Charlie Sheen.  They almost got it…

Werewolves and Lollipops is the only one thats a bona-fide classic for me.  222 is close. For me,  Weakness Is Strong had a couple real clunkers.

I wish this show had any desire to do something interesting.  They set up something that had potential with the suicide earlier in the season, then a couple jokes about seeing brains later, everyone's back to making sex puns.  And they already spent a whole season doing the whole "Eric and Sloan might get back