
All right Star Wars, that's it.  No more of my money for you.

Oops, double-post. Sorry internet.

Concert Footage
The absence of phone recordings on youtube and the phones themselves at events will probably go unmissed, but this is a creepy possibility. An electronic communication device that decides it own use parameters is a product I'll avoid. iPhones are cool and all, but the slack-jawed hypno-mask people

Concert Footage
The absence of phone recordings on youtube and the phones themselves at events will probably go unmissed, but this is a creepy possibility. An electronic communication device that decides it own use parameters is a product I'll avoid. iPhones are cool and all, but the slack-jawed hypno-mask people

There was an early WTF where he played a hispanic coked-up baby who planned 9/11. I think that might be my favorite bit of his.

Kroll Fans?
I personally love Nick Kroll, especially on CDR. Chupacabra is one of my favorite CDR characters (his few appearances on WTF are classics too), and this was a great addition to his appearances. It seems no one really talks about him much, is there a secret indifference for the man? I know his stand-up

Rum Diary is past greenlight, it's completed.

It's been done in other movies, (Constantine, Hellboy) but the Spear of Destiny or whatever else it's called seems like a decent MacGuffin. After all, it's what the MacGuffin does in Indy movies that matters, not what it is. It would keep in with the biblical artifacts of the two best too. The two weakest Indy

I don't know about the Indy movies, but a friend of mine never saw the original Star Wars trilogy until a year or two ago. She was 26, and she couldn't get into them at all. I wouldn't say her taste in movies is unassailable, so it might have been her problem, but I thought it was interesting. The special effects

Maybe Lucas "ruined his childhood".

I think you might be bringing a little too much critical thinking to the speculative premise of an unmade movie about a guy in a hat who punches people.

Atlantis could be cool, but if people had a problem with the silliness of aliens, Atlantis will make the internet shit itself.

Depp used to be a mark of quality, now I pre-emptively scoff at anything he's in. Has he been in a good movie since Pirates 1? Get Disney's cock out of your ass JD!

I'll See It
I know people shit all over Indy 4, but I like it. There's shit in it I won't defend (the gopher opening, CGI monkeys, Indy's lessened role in the adventure), but I like it just as much as Temple Of Doom, the other flawed, decent movie with annoying side characters in the franchise. I think a lot of the

Agree on this movie sucking. I was looking forward to seeing it, but it turned out to be a cool-looking piece of shit. Whoever the main guys was, he shouldn't be allowed to be in movies, though I saw he's playing Kerouac in the On The Road movie. Booooo-urns.

Let's not forget, he pretty much shrieked at Sammy Jackson in Jackie Brown too.

Ideas Need Games
I hope this thing revolutionizes gathering dust like my first Wii did. I was so psyched to get that thing, then watch it turn gray on my shelf . Once in a while my roommates would get drunk and play Wii Sports bowling, I ended up selling it and never regretted it once.

Your Favourite Worst Nightmare ('07) wasn't bad, more of the same really. I want to like this band, but I can't really get into them, so I think they have some good songs. Humbug's Homme production really shone through, there were some songs that sounded like QOTSA:The Teen Years.

Separator is one of my favorite Radiohead tracks. I think if the album had two more songs it would be well-liked, 8 songs is a glorified EP, especially when one of the songs is noise gibberish. That was already covered on Amnesiac.

God help me, I've started to sympathize with Sonny this season. Maybe it's because he cant treat saintly Annie like shit anymore and he's just lost and kinda pathetic. I couldn't stand him at all last season, but I've started to feel bad for him, I think the show's kinda eased up on him too, not portraying him in a