
That Thing Annie Went To
Whatever the fuck that was, I would've gotten out of there immediately.

A Very Long Engagement and Paths of Glory are two stone cold classics. Haven't seen All Quiet on the Western Front, though it's considered one as well. Now that I think of it, maybe WW1 isn't underrepresented, but most other wars are overrepresented.

I always wished for more WW1 related films but I recently read Keegan's The First World War to brush up on what I sort of knew about the war, and there's nothing cinematic about it. There wasn't even much mobility, as in Vietnam and Iraq and other "lesser" war films. (WW2 being the obvious favorite). I think WW1 is

I'd recommend them to the 40-year old ladies I work with…the ones who had a 1/2 hour conversation about how funny Cop Out was.

What episode was Sappity Tappity in? I don't remember hearing that one

C'mon Eno,
Eno is one of my musical heroes, why is he producing this bullshit? He should try to work with promising bands, not purveyors of department-store white noise.

I think Ice-T might be my favorite of his, John C. Reilly's good too. Odd how his characters are really just caricatures.
I forget who does it, but Cosby-Bukowski might be by favorite CDR character of all time

Cake Boss needs to be retired. Only Tompkins character I don't find funny at all. Dame Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber gets old fast too.

I think I'd go with Brie, though that's one of the harder choices I've had to make in imaginary boning.

I wasn't talking about the effects…though the main Serkis monkey looks pretty damn good

Wait, people have a desire to see this? This movie looks like a deadly serious Jumanji.


Wait, is the hat also because he unleashed Chris Tucker on the world? 'Cause I can get behind that.

A polite, semi-related question to the internet.
This is off-topic, but somewhat X-Men related so I'ma try anyway. Why all the crazy Brett Ratner hate? I don't think he's particularly talented in any way, but the internet community foams at the mouth any time his name is mentioned. X-Men 3 isn't good, but it's not

It kinda seems like they've given up on any sympathetic traits Betty had. If you watch Season 1 and compare it to Season 4, it's like they replaced Betty with a monster. She used to elicit sympathy, now she's just a foil to Don and Sally.

She works as Betty, but Betty doesn't have much of a personality. Did anyone see that SNL she hosted? Blarf. She is incredibly attractive though.

Well the last movie I payed to see in theaters was Toy Story 3, so I got that goin for me.

Someone, Please
Make the pre-made franchises stop! I was hoping Inception's success would possibly allow space for original blockbusters but I guess not.

People don't like Bradley Cooper because he has yet to play anything other than a cocky asshole. I liked him in A-Team, and he gets points for Wet Hot American Summer, but other than that I've found him unlikable in everything else.

Can't be any better than his ability to be a smarmy douche. He surpasses even Bradley Cooper in famous douches I wanna punch. Glad to see he's been relegated to soon to be cancelled TV shows.