
I'd like to second the notion her tits are overrated. I haven't seen that big a deal made about pancakes since the IHOP in my town got renovated.

Holy shit, I just realized when I read your post they sound EXACTLY like Editors. Good ear, sir

Season 2 is about 400% better watching it the second time around. I didn't care for it first watch, I have absolutely no problem with it now.

I'd be interested in seeing the wire take on social workers, the people and the institution. They brushed near it with Randy and the foster homes, but it'd be an apposite theme for the show to take on, seeing as how they focused on institutions that affect people's lives, the limitations and flaws therein, etc.

I'm pretty sure "The Dickensian aspect" is a phrase that's intended to bug you, one of those terms people use to make their comments sound intelligent, like "kafka-esque". I seem to remember Gus rolling his eyes when the chairman said it too…

Bring on the PTA!
I'm psyched to see anything this man does. I have to imagine this won't just be about Scientology though, I kinda imagine it as TWBB but religion substituted for oil, but I have no idea, obviously. But what happened to his Inherent Vice adaptation? I haven't heard anything about it since it's

The fictional serial killer storyline definitely was better when I rewatched the season, I still don't like it that much. The journalism aspect of the season felt underdeveloped somehow, like they didn't really know what the season's theme would be and just decided on journalism. The whole thing with the Iraq vet

Ehhhh I'm good
I'm sure it's a joke on the AG's part, but I don't really need to see another season. 5 is my least favorite but at least it ended the show well. That "McNulty creates a serial killer" storyline really rubs me the wrong way, it's like something Law & Order would do. Peak of the show was Seasons 3&4,

I can already see Bradley Cooper in the trailer: "It happened again again!"

After all the press I checked this out, sounds like Interpol nodding off on heroin, but not in the Joy Division way. I didn't think it was terrible, but like someone up there said, derivative and not really anything special. I do really like "Norgaard" though, catchy as hell and short as well.

It's possible it could be aimed at an older crowd, Clone Wars (which I've heard isn't all that bad) has got the kid's market pretty well cornered. If talented writers are brought in, and someone has the balls to tell Lucas 90% of his ideas are pure shit, this might have a chance at being cool. If this ends up in the

At this point, loving Star Wars has kind of become a curse. I have a faint optimism for a new quality Star Wars project (like the Genndy Tarakovsky sp? Clone Wars Series), but anything Lucas is involved in I think I dread. I don't understand how someone can shit all over their own creation. It's like the

War of the Worlds is one of those movies I saw and enjoyed, but moments after it ended I realized I never really wanted to watch again. And I've never been a big fan of E.T. To me, all the schmaltz and cloying sentimentality Spielberg is criticized for is perfectly encapsulated in E.T. It's a nice little movie I

Well now I just think you're simple. Or maybe English is your second language? You don't seem to comprehend written words very well. Best wishes to the learning annex crowd!

It's a simple story, involving human beings being hampered and changed by the very things that make them human. The sex offender is a minor side-story, and I think that to avoid seeing something because a part of it strikes you as creepy or icky is limiting your exposure to pieces of art or film that might mean

I don't expect everyone to feel the same way about it that I do, it's not a grand statement or anything, I just like how simple and human it is. It's kinda like a fantastic adaptation of a Updike novel he never wrote. Someone writing it off as a piece of shit just seems like trolling.

I loved Hook as a kid, I haven't seen it since. I think I'll just keep it that way, judging by all the hate it gets now.

You are an angry young man, sir.

1941 isn't Spielberg's worst, that has to be Lost World. Always was pretty meh too. 1941 ain't great, but it's…watchable.

I haven't seen that movie in a long time, but I remember it being pretty good. Dark as fuck, I don't really understand how it got made at the time, Wood and Culkin were both at their height of family-friendly movies. Getting Even With Dad was the shit! Oops, I meant shit. Just shit.