
Actually, on the "Next On" they had a member of the band telling Antoine to give Sonny another shot, so I assume he'll be back in some capacity.

Everyone whose opinion in films I respect seems to at least think Little Children is a decent movie. Maybe you should check out Avatar again brah.

Odd you mention it, The Adventures of Ford Fairlane and Old Yeller are two of her favorites.

I'm sure Nelson's not there to be liked, and i find him douchey, but at this point has he really done anything bad? He's a carpetbagger and slimy for sure, but hey, he's a developer. He's an opportunist and a phony, but the show has avoided painting him as a full-blown villain…so far. And I doubt he has any

I think Sonny's hated because he's the spectre of wasteful mediocrity, like a junkie version of that character in the Philouza Mr. Show sketch.

About #10
I have a sister-in-law who flat-out refuses to watch Little Children (probably my favorite movie ever) just because a "child molester" is a character. I tried to explain that the movie's not about child molestation, and that the character isn't even a molester, but she wasn't having it(and she was a social

My Brother's Life…

I definitely see what you're saying there. Like I said, I never payed much attention to the Clash's politics 'cause I found them to be, well…problematic. I see your point. I get overly defensive about the Clash, should've realized he was talking more about the politics. Still though, fuck Davis. Poser white boy

I really like Annie's arc so far. That quick bit of her starting over again with a new song on her balcony was oddly touching.

Strummer="Flawed Vehicle?"
The line where Davis cited Strummer as a flawed vehicle bugged the shit out of me. Not a big fan of the character to begin with, but that criticism made me scoff at his taste in music even more than I have in the past. I never loved the Clash for the politics, but everything Davis says

Damn yo, molten crown.
I knew Daenerys would likely be killed at some point, but I never expected it to be so soon and so awesome. That's gotta be one of the coolest deaths I've ever seen in anything. Wish Time Warner in my area had HBO GO.

@No one cares
I see what you mean, my problem was never really with the premise, moreso it's wasted potential, particularly that portion near the end where it's time for Ricky Gervais to cluck his tongue at all the people who believe in the silly man in the sky. And not to be a dick, but to see it with your

Also, Ricky Gervais is a twat. Love UK Office, but everything else he's ever done sucks. Every interview and appearance I've ever seen with him gives the impression that he's a pretentious, insecure blowhard who fails to realize he peaked.
Extras=Starts out ok, became intolerable. Horrible people whining about how

I, personally, believe the UK version to be a better overall show. It didn't have enough time to fuck up, and though people think the Special negated the whole philosophy of the show, I disagree (though it's a valid point). That being said, the US version is soooo much more fun to watch. Someone said the UK version

Just Read This…
I just finished this book about a week or so ago, and I fucking loved it, though the last chapter's vision of the future seemed a little trite. Anyway, how are Egan's other books compared to this?