
I absolutely, 100% dismiss Armond's opinion on ANY movie that is almost universally appreciated. He almost always plays the role of the spoiler seemingly just to be so. I am also convinced he has some sort of personality disorder. (That's based on his reviews and his personal controversies. The man's a mess.)

I do have to admit that when Jessa showed up and Elijah exclaimed, "Ugh! No!" I laughed heartily since that's EXACTLY how I feel about Jessa whenever she shows up in public. HAHA!

They are not only still alive on the show, but they are the most interesting and complicated relationship from the originals, imo.

I can't tell you how pleased I'd be if either NOBODY wanted to fund his library or he had to do it all himself.

Yes, he did win an Emmy for this role. His FIRST nomination, too! Very fitting.

I don't think this movie will subvert your expectations one bit. Its exactly what you think it is. I don't know how much it intersects with the trans issue because one of his alters is female. But there are tropes abound.

That's a great find! I just saw it yesterday (very late to the game) and was disturbed by the final image/scene.This makes the movie damn near perfect for me now.

I think Cox, and to a lesser extent Hirsch, really make this as good as it is. Their acting took the entire thing up a notch.

Me too! Seems that Fox realizes they really are in competition with their cable channels/.

I thought GMT looked pretty good, actually. And I'm usually the one to call out how fake these things are. Watching it with my father, he was convinced he was real. Can't say the same for Leia. Felt off and odd viewing it two days after her death.

I feel like Affleck is the modern-day William Holden. Holden, though a bonafide movie star, wasn't a great actor. He was serviceable and, on occasionally turned in a really good performance ("Sunset Blvd" comes to mind). But he was mostly just there to play the one speed/emotion a movie asked of him, nothing more,

I found it a VERY odd choice. Its like why even focus on it like that in earlier shots and then just half-ass it in the end. It was almost like maybe something was legally keeping them from reading verbatim from the book so they 'fixed' it by playing music over it. Strange way to handle that, I agree.

Although, as a gay man myself, I do know there are plenty of guys who wouldn't mind a 'guy with a vagina'. Though Ian was grossed out with a female gendered person with a vagina, if the surrounding package looks like a man, it may not be as offensive to him. Sometimes, for some people, as long as the rest of the

I'm glad you noticed it, because I was waiting for her boss at the restaurant to show up with cops in tow.

I am always shocked when he has a line. I keep thinking he's mute.

I think I added the last bit as an edit while you were responding. There's definitely an issue of coercion there.

I did read it. I don't give a shit that the DIRECTOR says it wasn't assault. I'm saying it is. Hey, I love 'Bullets Over Broadway' too, but I don't think artists get the luxury of living outside of human morals and decency. Anyone putting something on your genitals that you DON'T want on them constitutes assualt. Your

Wanting the actress to have a 'real reaction' isn't unreasonable. What is unreasonable is going well past the boundaries of human decency and fouling someone's genitals. It's not a difficult concept to understand.

I would think every time he has sex with his 'wives' its rape. None of them look that consensual to me.

I really thought about it when HE mentioned how hot it was. So hot you're still prancing around in a leather jacket and scarf?! Lame.