
Absolutely co-sign on your analysis. Poor writing that Carl never even took the shot, miss or not. Would have been better had Negan been nowhere near the truck until someone else subdued Carl. Also, Carl is holding Lucille a FEW times at the back of Negan….no swing? Not even once?? SOMEONE??


I worked at a radio station in Seattle where they did random testing. Strangely I never got picked, but they had a buddy of mine who was a daily smoker, to say the least, do multiple tests. He never once tested positive! But, I am still paranoid enough that whenever I am out of work, I avoid it like the plague!

Honestly, the more they showed that smirking nightmare face the harder and louder I laughed. I even burst out laughing again seeing it at the end of the review above.

Totally agree: one of the best episodes of TV I have seen all year.

Nope, still rape.

That kiss was a huge mistake, I think. We'll see.

I would say that just the way the scene is shot - the coordinated walk from the cell(s) — was indicative of collusion.

And 'Deadwood'. And 'Treme'.

Wasn't a deal-breaker for me, but honestly I thought it was the worst moment of the show thus far. It seemed silly and possibly a huge complication for her performance in the trial. Now's not the time for that if she wants to really save his life.

I'm totally prepared for Naz to be guilty as well. I mean, we've not been privy to the truth since he doesn't remember (and I do think he doesn't remember either way.) My only reservation is the lack of blood evidence all over his clothes and body given how bloody the actual bedroom was.

I struggle with this too. I was having a conversation about it this morning and I expressed much the same thing. Way too heavy on how 'scary' black people are. It's too much a trope in American entertainment now.

Yep, thats the last thing I'm looking forward to.

Well in the direction of the cat connection, we already know that the back gate doesn't lock/close fully on its own. Now, the investigator knows, too! I hope John can make the connection once they realize Naz is allergic and the reason the cat would go out and she'd have left the gate ajar. It would offer an on ramp

Thank God, that when I saw the word "British" I bagged out of the comment. WAY too much of that goes on here! There's a weird sort of "Look, I have knowledge" impulse in that move.

Given that they were expecting this kid to plead out, I don't think they see it as that high profile.

I was fine with the head-shaving scene (even if it's probably a mistake for Naz), but John going to confront the potential suspect was just dumb on a couple of levels. The first being that John can get his ass kicked and that wouldn't help anything or anybody. Secondly, and most importantly, why in the hell would he

It cloned me too. Lets start an alien race of baddies and get in this movie franchise!

Ohhh, I didn't notice that! Good catch.

I thought that shot was a little too on the nose. It was clearly meant to put suspicion on the guy. Plus, when his buddy was relating what happened to Det Box, he didn't mention his friend at all. Its either an obvious tip of the hand, or a red herring.