
Regarding #2: that happens. Since the back doors are locked from the outside and the 'perp' isn't 'dangerous' or in need of medical attention, they are 'secured'. (My dad was a cop, so I tend to get questions like this answered.)

Riz was also in 'Four Lions' and 'Nightcrawler'. Great performances in very different roles.

I really agree. I felt like the first 55 minutes (right to the arrest in the station) was a 'master class' in editing, tone and pace. Not that it went downhill from there, but they could have ended the episode right there and I would have been totally satisfied. Looking forward to the next episode asap!

But then some neurotic store owner can shoot you for it!

And what always comes to my mind is: why would the 12 hours be at night?

I agree with Sir Winston. All during the first one all I could think of was 'I wonder if the white people go ape shit in the cities killing minorities/immigrants?' Hence parts two and three… (although to be fair, there's plenty of minorities and immigrants killing each other in the movie, too.)

Paraphrasing the King in "Amadeus", 'The are simply too many (shots). Remove a few and we'll have perfection!' ;-)

Crime buys a lot of boob jobs.

Not so sure I believe Dracula. Like his brother, Lucifer, he is adept at making victims think they 'chose' their fates.

That would be a horrible fate considering the quality of this show compared to the others that Showtime tends to beat into the ground (I'm thinking of Nurse Jackie, Dexter and the stillborn Ray Donovan.)

It looked VERY last minute. Like, they probably could have told him months before so he could either lose some weight or they could have thought out his costume a little better. (I am in NO way slamming him for his weight, btw. He's totally appropriate for his age, if not better. But these goddamn suits are made for

Agreed on all counts.

It was fun to trash talk the show with others who like the hate-watching fireworks.

I missed the first season and I haven't started the current one yet, though I have seen everything in between. I hate-watched this because I actually have friends of friends who act on it and I was always wondering how much worse the writing could get. In that way it rarely disappointed. I won't miss it either.

They really do seem like the only competent people on the boat, although Daniel's auditory hallucinations are troubling for the near future.

I am hoping too. But when they show her taking the gun, having her at least PULL and POINT the gun and not shoot would even get us further down the road on that idea. To just ignore that she had it was screen writing malpractice, imo.

In this case I have been convinced that maybe 'criminal' is more accurate in this case. The "E" word was probably a bit too strong. I see your point.

There is a long history of cinema linking 'evil' (or at least 'criminal'…that might be a better word to use here) with homosexuality. My best suggestion is to find the film "Celluloid Closet", a documentary about LGBT presentations/representations in film. Its really eye-opening and fun to watch.

I'm rather hoping its him being an opportunist rather than gay. I'm up to my eyeballs with the 'gay = evil' stereotype in our entertainment. Come up with SOMETHING else, please, TV people!

As an avid reader of his, I do have to say that the novel was a good idea for a story, but it really ran out of gas after the first third or so. Maybe, with the additional screen writer, they solved that in the film. I'll give it a shot once its gotten some reviews and they are not in single digits on Rotten Tomatoes.