
I hope it sends Molly right back into therapy. She's got work to do!

Hey, I sat through seasons of people doing stupid shit on "Girls". I'm pretty sure I can take the stupidity on this show just fine! ;-)


I'd give #2 the edge because of Raimi's style with the camera (remember the operation room when they tried to remove Doc Oc's arms?! There's NOTHING like that here.) But, I agree that Holland is a superior Pete/Spidey.

I think the scene in Ant Man where Michael Pena does that great narration about how he got the info on the potential job and the edits and camera fly fast and loose HAD to be an artifact of Wright's screen play. Its funnier and smarter than most everything else in that movie. A real missed opportunity for Marvel.

I absolutely appreciate you passing this on to me. Better late than never!

And the man that Kevin sees at the Afterworld Karaoke night.

YES! I liked that touch. Even showing the destination on the inside of the circle reminded me of Dr Strange effects. Another benefit of the MCU.

I agree with the summation that other than its super hero elements, this is a very hackneyed story with not a lot to say. But, my issue was something the character does very early on in the movie. I don't think I ever got my empathy back for the character after the particularly heinous action he took. Yeah, he was

I've heard the songs they're referring to. Its basically three songs as there are two full length ones (one of which repeats with an extra minute) and three others that are barely over a minute each that combine to make one song. THIS is what they blocked to build an entire show around?! Good luck with that bullshit.

Wow, you're right!! I wonder if his response as MM got cut, because it's too hard to believe they didn't tee that up for him to show that amazing impression.

Baby being born, most likely. Other than that, I dunno either. Maybe her parents being there for it and tying up some emotional loose ends? Will ANY of her friends be there for the birth?

Based on your response, my favorite thing about you is that you have NO idea about how the Transformers movies work. There is hope yet for our world. Thank you.

I recall years ago he had a moment as MTVs spokesperson and he did the Dismissive Sinatra act (he couldn't be bothered to finish a song and would wave it off with a '…..That's good!' HAHAHA! It's really fun to see him kicking the hell out of the role here.

You captured my thoughts on her performance perfectly.

I'm worried that next week he'll be back in the dumps over losing this gig. I mean, the show (and comedy) definitely seems to tend towards being a rotten situation.

You can tell which of these dumbshits missed their science classes in college. I mean, even though they have homework delivered to them, they still must have skipped those, too. Morons.

In retrospect, how could we NOT have suspected, but I was bought into her not being aware.

That was how I read it!!

In that moment I was immediately reminded of the end of Night of the Living Dead. I thought it was a well-deserved call back.