
Ever since she got caught fucking Ray and then threw him under the bus. Marnie will never recover from that with me.

I think its just a vestige of the network days. I would think that in the early days of basic cable they all wanted to look like networks as much as possible so they just adopted industry standards. But its been DECADES now and cable, while mostly not pulling network numbers, has its own very dedicated fan base. (I

I think in a sense we're not meant to expect an impression of OJ. This is like when Redford played Dan Rather, or Frank Langella played Dick Nixon. They're not trying to make it a dead on impersonation.

Wayyyy too long!

And/or some kind of Martin Short character.

I think I feel about Billions like fans of Ray Donovan do. I can't abide Donovan, but I hate-watch it for the horrific writing. Sounds like a few people can replace 'Donovan' with 'Billions' and I'd know exactly how they feel.

Hackman did the best thing and retired….not long after that horrible movie 'Welcome to Mooseport'. (Though that movie isn't what one would call 'embarrassing'.) And Duvall does a pretty good job of avoiding dreck even if his movies aren't top of the line.

Pretty sure it was written before his death was announced on the 11th.

Bush League bullshit from yahoo…no surprise.

Its the last LIVE episode of 2015.

I think this may become an issue. She never really did give assent to his five year cut off deal….

I don't think you're way off base, but for some reason I didn't get the feeling he was dead. I feel as though there would have been more focus on him as she finished electrocuting him. I guess I would have expected the camera to linger longer and in close up telling us it was his demise. I also wondered why she

The entire scenario brought that story to mind for me from the beginning. That's why I thought it odd for the reviewer to act like it couldn't happen.

Spot on, I think!

When friends who don't watch the show ask me about it, my standard answer is 'its the most dreadful show on TV. Not that its horrible quality-wise, but that the show is full of dread.' It can be exhausting!

I felt the same thing; there's nobody to root for here. They are all bloody odious characters in one way or another. Madison I am barely sticking with, but just about all the others have very annoying traits one way or another.

Agreed. Horrible writing.

I seriously thought we were in the head of the whimpering fool on the bench. I was like, 'This must be his hallucination and shows why he's in the shape he's in.' But once he talked to the junkie, I was disappointed they'd write such horrible dialogue.

Me too! I just realized wtf that even was thanks to the review.

Yes, I definitely feel the doctor is malevolent or at least complicit at some level.