
Well based on Damon's ideas about casting the 'show', I'd have to defer to Affleck and his success with making movies over Damon's success acting in them.

I think if his hair smells as bad as it looks, he'll be able to walk amongst the zombies unnoticed in about a week. (I wasn't going to go there, but you brought it up!)

I had the same idea. It was very specific that the character stopped, turned around and looked up at the plane dipping back and forth. It makes perfect sense to refer back to at a later date.

Yeah, but have you seen Prince's films? Ugh, God!


Music critic horseshit. IMO.

I love the first three songs on C&D, but after that it was totally flaccid.

I think 'The Truth' is an unknown classic. (Maybe its a good thing he's also re-released it on Tidal as well.) TGE, I always felt was a good collection of riffs and ideas, but not good fully formed songs.

Worse than "New Power Generation"?! I have to hear that….once.

Yes, please, no more rap from him. Shit.

I'm a big fan — really for decades now — but the reality is that Prince doesn't really like to truly collaborate in that way with people who come with their own vision. "Love Song" during Madonna's heyday? Nope, still mostly his. Sheryl Crow and Gwen Stefani on 'Rave Unto The Joy Fantastic'? Nope, they just

Damn he was spot-fucking-on with those, right?!

Its Hader playing him. I would count it as a victory that it was that hard to tell. His voice was COMPLETELY different, too!

Man, they blocked that fast!

According to an interview that Fuller did with Van der Wolff (posted on Vox this morning) they did survive the drop. Let's face it, this show isn't about reality in any measure.

Exactly! It occurred to me immediately.

I bet he'd like to borrow that app for the rest of his future roles!

"Memories so vivid you don't remember them. They remember you."

'Cause she'll need a man!

I certainly do in that I never point out a hot guy verbally to my straight friends. But, that's merely because I know they won't find it interesting. But, as Drinking_with_Skeletons mentions, there are a lot of reasons people might 'code switch'. It's certainly not limited to gay people.