
Honestly, I don't think there will be that big a change in one generation. It will take a long while for the older folk (like me — I'm over 40 and thats a corpse in the gay world! ;-) ) to stop treating gay kids differently, not to mention gay adults they encounter in life. There is still a lot of homophobia and hate

Before I came out to my sister, I remember her commenting how she 'likes' it when gay men are more flamboyant and 'femme' because it means they're not going to fool some woman into thinking they're straight. This is, imo, foolish as fuck. It's a genuine belief that men only exist to be captured by a woman or

Educate them, EDUCATE! HAHA!

I agree about calling the voice 'feminine'. I think that some guys' movements are feminine when they speak (maybe more use of hands/arms and some stereotypical poses/positions of hands), but I don't think the voice is particularly feminine.

I've found that most of the audiences these days finds anything remotely sexually adventurous or serious disturbing and laughter is their nervous response. It's more evidence that adults in this society just refuse to grow up.

Unfortunately, Roger G Smith almost always is in that weird gear. I don't think he was well cast because his performance was just so out of the universe of everyone else in the movie.

Hey, he made it TWO seasons! That is some kind of record for a black man in a horror story!! (From one black man about another…)

Given that we've seen 'John Clare' physically rip another being into pieces, I think all he needs is proximity and opportunity to them and it's (their) story over.

That was my vibe from his first scene.

Although, if this is the kind of show where a person can survive TWO point blank shotgun blasts, I don't know if I want to keep watching it. That would just scream 'PHONY' in every way!

The Wire, season two.

I had a very similar experience when I had to break the news to my father that his mother had died. It was one of the worst moments in my life, too. Bloody horrible.

I have to admit that when Richard's keys flew into the drain I had to pause the show. I was SO angry that this one EXTRA hurdle was just thrown in his way at that point. It felt so unfair to me and the character; it was ONE step too much for me at that moment. So, I chilled. Gathered my shit and finished the

"Next entry"?!

I smell a Broadway adaptation! "Aquaman: Turn Off The Faucets"!

I had the same thought. Hope it happens, but with this crew they are just as likely to shoot themselves in the foot before that every comes together!

I agree, I think it was something that Cliff knew they could all use in that moment. A shared scenario of revenge that would bring some relief from the intense sorrow they all felt in that moment.

Hey, believe me, I'm on your side. I HOPE they don't try to milk it is all I'm saying. I used 'Under The Dome' as an example.

But, that is what they said about Under The Dome too…

I agree. I was way more impressed with the Grammy Museum in LA and EMP in Seattle.