
My guess is that if you're hearing negativity about the show, it's people that don't like 'foreign' tv, even when its in English. Otherwise, I don't know what the hell they're going on about because this is the BEST show I have seen all year, regardless of country of origin!

I agree! I am really enjoying the change in tone and the arrangements. I would love to see this album performed live.

I think it was January Jones' best hour.

Its only listed as 1hr, 15 min.

I thought so too, at first. But the 'solid' form it/he took was different from what we initially saw.

I agree. She'll have an easier time with the creative folk. Although, there will still be plenty of compromises she'll have to make as she's walking into a world of fiefdoms she'll have to negotiate.

I wouldn't be surprised if, by the end, Weiner has done a complete circle. It would be interesting to see if he's created a total mirror of season one in some ingenious way. I'm not bright enough, or have enough time, to figure it out, but I know there are certainly some very studied people on here who will.

You're probably right, but I sure am willing to stick around to see how this series ends.

If one possesses a rigid lizard brain outlook on life, then yes.

Wow, that sounds amazingly horrible! I didn't see it in the theaters as I am thoroughly bored with the Spidey movies and it sounds like it's only gotten worse. Too bad because I like the actor they picked for the reboots, but he seems miscast to me.

I think there was an episode or two where Eddie knew that Barry had feelings for Iris, but he ended up making peace about it. (That's my half-remembered recollection.)

Is it because of all of the fake muscles on the suit? It looks kind of like a yellow version of the red Flash costume from the last series. Ew.

Doesn't Caitlin become a villain in the books? (Someone called 'Killer Frost'?)

I wouldn't be surprised if Eddie, after being spurned by Iris who finally realizes she loves Barry, DOES go to the dark side. Hell, it may even be him who starts the generations-long grudge against Barry and his family. We've already seen how mean he can be when he thought The Flash was a baddie.

Right! As much as he wastes/spends he must somehow be good at earning it back. Its just that his output matches his input to basically keep him at parity for years now.

He was less annoying playing "Moe" in the 'Three Stooges' reboot. Now, THAT'S saying something!

Sounds like Ted stays as far away from her as possible within the confines of the office. Remember how last week Peggy mentioned she came to Don to be reviewed because Ted told her to review herself?

Haha — you hit the nail on the head with this one. I just happened to do a similar post before scrolling down and reading yours. Its a creepy thought I get too whenever they show them locking a 'prisoner' in at the end of the show. If nothing else, when I get out of there, I'd be sure to start an even more evil/crazy

Does anyone else ever have this thought: When they lock up the episode's baddie in one of Star Labs secret underground cells, who takes care of them?! I mean, does each cell have a toilet? Who cooks for them? Do the ever get some outside stimulation? Won't they go (more) insane in the 24/7 solitary confinement? Isn't

I didn't get that he was divorced. Isn't that the perfect opportunity for he and Peggy to act on their feelings of long ago? Or has just to much time passed for them by this point? Plus, Peggy is probably past that infatuation/humiliation by now as it is.