
I agree with your POV. I thought he looked lost and displaced. With all that talk of the future, one thing Don really hadn't lasered in on was his lack of planning once the place was sold. He had no place to go yet and he looked it.

I think 'Gotham' was crap from episode one. (I gave it longer than that, but it became unbearable for me pretty quickly.) It's horribly written, everyone acts in 'snears' as though that communicates anything intense or emotional, and people continually talk to each other with about 2 inches between their faces. I just

I'm sure its mentioned somewhere here already, but man, did that hallway fight remind me of the long hallway brawl in 'Old Boy'! And it compared mighty favorably!! That scene alone keeps me in the series until the end.

It speaks of creative inertia to me. Can't they think of something else to do with her?

Knowing a bipolar person off his meds, 'internally consistent' isn't really their jam.

I missed the first two seasons, mostly, but thats how I feel after almost EVERY episode and definitely after every finale. (Actually I feel the same way about 'Ray Donovan', come to think of it.) I'll probably be ready for more by next February. Ugh, I need some therapy, don't I?

For me that's the history of this show in general. When Sammi returned, I was struck with how alright I was with her being dead. I really, really was.

"…it seems like Ian would be more appreciative of Mickey’s therapeutic influence, not less so."

Part of the reason Don might not be riddled with VD is that he's mostly banging other peoples' spouses, so they generally are out of the VD pool at that point.

I agree. Pete is just naturally oblivious. The man usually can't read the room if he's not the center of the action.

I hope Ken LIVES for making Roger miserable. (And Pete to a lesser extent, but Pete always seems miserable to me.)

I wondered that too for a second. Then I just thought he was considering that he also had two kids at the time they were involved with each other. But, you might be on to something. It could be part of the reason that her sister seemed to know so much about him and his transgressions.

I'm not a huge Star Wars fanboy, but, damn if that line didn't send me into hysterics and goosebumps!

As much as I like the kid they've hired for the theatrical work, I think it puts him in a very unenviable position of being hated because he's NOT Gustin. Its unfair to both actors, really.

It was really exceptional. It reminded me what great writers' hands we're in here.

They must just have NOTHING else ready to fill the slot with. This show is haaaarible.

I was thinking the same.

Hell, Mickey might want to put a boot or two up her ass now, too. (NOT that I condone it, but we all know Mickey doesn't think twice about shit like that.)

I'm with you. As a matter of fact, I have been describing this movie as "American Babadook meets 'Halloween'". Some of the characters' actions seemed really dumb (shooting at the spectre with friends in the line of fire? OK, well they were just teens, I guess…) and I still don't really get wtf was going on with that

He's definitely on the lean side here.