
I found it a rather sex-positive message in that people need to realize that every time they have sex with someone they are risking STDs (especially HIV), unwanted pregnancies and maybe even abuse. But, we still have sex as an expression of love don't we? We don't stop sharing that part of ourselves regardless of the

Thats what I thought, too.

It took me a few minutes to get past the opening scene/shot to have that girl intentionally fleeing wearing heels. I mean, I'm not a woman and I don't wear heels, but if I were literally running for my life, I really do think I'd lose the fucking heels. I mean, she came out of her house so it's not like she didn't

I saw that Clam phone (at first I thought it was supposed to look like a birth control dispenser) and I thought, "Man, am I out of it. Do they sell those to kids now?"

Ahahaha! I thought the same thing when I saw him next to David in the film. A couple of sawed off runts, those two. (Although I bet both could kick my fat ass, they'd lose in a height contest. If the contest existed….)

Well the one thing that Morgan's philosophy can use against Rick's is that Morgan has been out there too. On his own and not behind walls like the people in Alexandria. So it will be an interesting moral argument for them to have next season. Maybe he can talk Rick down some and keep him from going full Shane.

I had to turn on the CC to get it, too. I already forget if it was "It's Rick" or "Its him", but it was one of those two.

He reminded me most of the late Ron Silver.

I like your optimism! I could learn a thing or two from it.

You're absolutely right. And I liked how they ended that show. But something tells me they have some kind of contractual agreement with Gervais and Merchant to do that even before they start as they've only done that with their productions ("Extras", "Life Is Short", "Hello Ladies" all got that wrap up movie/episode


I agree. Togetherness is just so fucking boooooring.

I like Russell T, but that guy is like on two other shows already. He won't be hurting for work anytime soon. (And, good for him, the little bat-eared hottie…)

I HATE Togetherness. Fucking borefest.

My thoughts EXACTLY! HBO saying 'we'll do a wrap up movie' is a little like a romantic ex that says 'yeah, we can be friends, we'll still get together'….

I know, right? You'd think there'd be more people to watch just out of curiosity if nothing else. But the (gay) people I know had all kinds of beefs about it (some were just flat out jealous because they're actors and felt they deserved to be on the show somehow). We let the 'perfect' become the enemy of the 'good'

"Yes, its over/Call it a day/Sorry it had to end this way/No reason to pretend/We knew it had to end, someday/This way….."

Ray, like Hannah, need to have a true moment of epiphany and realize Marnie isn't good for him. She's way too dismissive and self-centered for him.

While he has a totally different demeanor than Shosh, I think he's no worse than she is. They BOTH have odd ways of communicating and looking at the world and their place in it. In a weird way, they're probably perfect for each other.

Where the fuck did 'Morgan' go?! The last bit we saw of him he was following the path to Terminus, right?? I thought of him when they started showing the "W" on the zombies' foreheads, but of course an "M" isn't a "W".