
I agree DeNiro has wasted his time the last decade or two, but I haven't seen Pacino bring me to honest tears like DeNiro did on that bed in Silver Linings Playbook. He was as human and vulnerable as any professional film actor I've seen. But, overall, DeNiro has been more embarrassing and done more still born movies

Did it look like So California? Like EVERY other place does on this show? HAHA!

Well prepare yourself: she won't be around come the end of the series, 'family' or not. Can't happen soon enough!

From your fingertips to the writers' eyes!

Looks like I picked the wrong day to give a fuck.

I'm most hopeful for an episode where a plane falls on Sammi and Fiona has to add Chuckie to the household. She's just a grating siren whenever she's on screen. I loved that they exited Joan Cusack's nutjob character, but it seems like Sammi is there to fill that role full time, every episode.

I loved the casual way he declared himself Ian's 'boyfriend' and the way Fiona kind of glanced at him how easily that came out of him. He's a big step closer to being a better person and it's fun to watch.

I wish I could laugh harder at the character, but really she and Frank are just grating at this point. Her frustratingly crazy behavior is one nut too many for me.


I agree, I think it was one of his best performances yet on this show.

Hate this show, but I have always thought DeVine was a third-rate Jack Black as it is…so, perfect casting!

The verbal abuse before the weekly recaps are hilarious. I love it and I hope they never change it.

That was exactly my first thought upon seeing the interior of his place. I dunno how long that's going to last, though.

I love how Patrick is always eating, though. Especially the time Augutin could hear him chowing down over the phone and asks what he was eating. Patrick said Kale salad when it was mac & cheese. Fat boy guilt…believe me I know it well!

I'm hopeful that we'll see a lot less of Sammi and NO MORE of Sheila. I really like Joan Cusack, but that that character had long since lost her purpose for my tastes.

A "sedagive?!?!"

Way, wayyyyy hotter!

This made me think of a trip I took with a bunch of friends of mine to Palm Springs last year. Half of us were drinking it up like we were 21 and just got our first beer, and the other half were simply tolerating it waiting for the loud-ass bars to close. Damn, we're boring. (And, yes, I was in the latter group…)

I think almost everybody is 'way too good for him'. Little shit.

Yeah, there isn't sex good enough for me to get up with Lyme disease. Room, please!