
Johnny Bench called.

Yeah, I got a B- and in his notes my teacher claimed only that he thought my argument was fairly well-reasoned (though a bit lacking in supporting quotes, duh) and didn't speak at all about whether or not he agreed with my conclusion. I was too scared to ask.

Had to read Grapes of Wrath as a high school sophomore, but figured I needn't because I'd seen the movie a few times and paid attention to class discussions of it. Came time for an in-class essay test, the subject of which was; "Explain the significance of the overturned tortoise." The fuck? Weren’t no tortoise in the

Question for any lawyers out there; does the Alford guilty plea preclude them from profiting from their "crimes" like most convictions do?


Bram Stoker's Dracula doesn't even count as "barely passable."

TV moments that made you cry?
For me it's Dick Winters' "Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?" speech at the end of Band of Brothers.

Good call, General. As moving as much of that movie is there's nothing close to seeing the heartbreak of their failure to save their friend. Tears every time I see it.

The Iron Giant scene that really kills me (SPOILERS) is when the giant thinks Hogarth is dead, but knows he isn't supposed to play with dead things. The shake of his hand as he draws it back from Hogarth's body.

Soleil Vert sont fait des hommes!

I'd watch the shit out of a Lobo movie, but who could ever replace Claude Akins?

trilobiter - The health benefits of circumcision are the same as the health benefits of maintaining good personal hygiene. Tough for young boys to get, but once they reach sexual maturity most guys figure it out right quick. Any uncircumcised guy that doesn't maintain a clean member is someone you don't really want to

Other random thoughts:

Ahh, Afgham, but it's not horseshit. I can tell you that as an uncut man, if I tried to walk around with the head exposed I would be in tears all day from the pain of it rubbing against my undergarments (or, even worse, jeans). Why? Because the sonofabitch is so goddamn sensitive. To be fair, I am making the

Gotta agree with Selfloving. I have no idea if the plot was hard to follow; ten minutes into the second film I was so bored I didn't bother trying to follow it, just sat there waiting in vain for something amusing to happen.

I felt that The Office ended perfectly after its two seasons, but then loved the specials and had no problem with the 180 degree turn it took, giving a bit of redemption to these characters I'd come to love.

Is it just because…
Over the last couple of years I've read many critics blasting Three's Company but singling out John Ritter as being the bright spot in the muck. Have any of these critics actually watched an episode of TC, or are they just trying to be nice to the dead guy? John Ritter was fucking terrible on that

The Simpsons said it best:

Understood. You'll not hear me bashing Ellen Page. I thought Hard Candy was just OK but I agree; EP was great in it. A riveting performance.