
I'd not call you a snob if you seriously suggested that. I'd think you quite silly, but your opinion is just as valid as mine. Different mediums, blah blah blah. But you knew that.


Purga-potty, have you read the book? Again I'm only a little way in but Lisbeth is, at least so far, nothing if not a "hipster chick archetype." Seems to me that casting someone who can play that type would be the smart thing to do.

Sorry, but having sat through remakes of The Vanishing, La Femme Nikita and La Cage aux Folles the answer is yes. Yes, I will probably be snobby about it. I expect Let Me In will blow. Will I see it? Yes, and I'll try to keep an open mind. And I'll probably be pleasantly surprised since my expectations are so low.

Sure, Caplan has her series, but would she really turn down the opportunity to star in a trilogy of eagerly-anticipated blockbusters based on much-loved bestsellers?

Hear, hear. I hate to cop to reading Entertainment Weekly but, well, I was and they said something to the effect of, "And if you can't wait until the real movies come out, consider renting the Swedish versions to satisfy your jones until Hollywood makes the awesome American versions everyone is dying for." Man, fuck

What about Lizzie Caplan? Granted, she doesn't have the chest of a fourteen year-old boy and is not 4'11" but she's a total babe and has the slightly severe facial features to pull it off splaendidly. Of course, I'm only 154 pages into the book so far and have a total hard-on for Mme. Caplan, so I'm totally talking

Hear, hear, slowmo. I like him a lot as an actor but I can't see Ed O'Niell without singing "Booty Time".

1. Unforgiven
2. Destry Rides Again
3. Good, Bad, Ugly
4. Once Upon a Time

The Razzies.

The goddamn bugs wacked us, Johnny!

I won't lie, as a nine year-old nerd I loved this when it came out. But Wizards was my fovorite movie at the time and I was just getting into D&D. Glavin.

To be fair, I haven't seen either teen vampire movie he is in, I just assume they're crappy. And that he has no charisma or talent. It sure is fun to pass judgement without actual information, let me tell you.

Um, Anon, have you not seen Tayler Lautner? Hello? Where were Bogey's six-pack abs? You don't mangle a role in two crappy teen vampire movies and suddenly command 7.5 mil per without CHARISMA!

Penelope Wilton rules. The BBC/HBO mini "Five Days" had a disappointing ending but Wilton's press conference is one of the most heartbreaking acting moments I've ever seen. The kind of thing that kids or those who've never known tragedy would likely find funny, but that those of us with a bit of history under our

"You know, with the exception of one deadly and unpredictable midget, this girl is the smallest cargo I've ever had to transport, yet by far the most troublesome. Does that seem right to you?"

"Captain'll have a plan. Always does."


Shawn Kemp pretty much destroyed the Houston Rockets singlehandedly in the '96 playoffs and celebrated with cocaine and unsafe sex. H.E.R.O.