
Too bad they ruined the legacy of the brilliant first season with the lackluster, only fitfully funny second season.

I cried a bit when Jaws died but at least, just like Kong, he tasted love briefly before Drax's station blew up.

Am I the only one who loves the 70's King Kong?

Correct, levans. Sipped tequila from nine at night until sunrise in Mexico once, didn't even have much of a hangover.

Agreed on the Ketel One, though I need old school, pimento-stuffed olives.

@taint - word to the Pliny. Got a local beer-snob joint that posts on their website what's currently on tap and a Pliny appearance almost always means after-work drinking. Shit will put a hurt on you after a few, though. Try cooking dinner after five or six of those. My local grocer started carrying it in bottles; not

For me the finest of all the fine moments in this film has to be the orchestra in the dungeon. Great tune, great scene.

"I'm not here to make friends" is the "chug entire beer" part of the drinking game. Though this season forced us to change the "drink when someone says 'fierce'" rule to "drink when someone says 'luxe'". Seems ferocity is out this season.

Althea reminds me of Kirsten Dunst's homelier sister.

The perfect workout album
"With Lasers" by Bonde do Role

Yeah, I figured as much, but so many of the fools here are so unabashedly in love with crap (I refer you to those praising of Forrest Gump, for example) that I figured he might be expressing his honest opinion. The average dipshit here has such a hard on for all of his movies that it wouldn't surprise me one bit. But

Regardless of how one feels about Forrest Gump (which is in the same league as Shakespeare In Love by my estimation), why did no one jump on the comment claiming Quentin Tarantino is NOT a douche? Seriously? Are you thinking of a different Quentin Tarantino? PLease tell me that was joke…

Yikes, defensive much? I meant no personal insult. I simply meant what I said; you'd hate Robocop. I personally love it and find it most successful but really, the acting is absolute shit.

I couldn't agree more, Cultural Reference. Nor can the softcore porn. Nothing can save that drivel.

Plus, if crappy acting scares you off of otherwise good satire, stay the fuck away from Robocop. You'd HATE it.

Excellent effects and exactly the kind of stilted dialog and wooden acting you see in actual recruitment films. Plus, Michael Ironside with the greatest delivery ever on one of cinema's all-time great lines: "They sucked out his brains."

I agree. Entourage is like getting punched in the gut, while Hung is like getting kicked in the balls. Both suck, but who wouldn't prefer to be punched in the gut?

Eminem may have a way with words, but to find out one would have to be able to stomach more than a second of his horrible, horrible voice. I for one cannot. And yet I enjoy the vocal stylings of Marina Vello and Ad Rock, so what the hell?

Then avoid True Blood, King B, because there ain't no "well-written" anywhere near it. Laziest bunch o' hacks this side of Two and a Half Men. Any show so poorly written it makes me not want to watch Anna Paquin prance around in a tight t-shirt and Daisy Dukes is a remarkable beast, indeed.

Yeah, but True Blood sucks balls. Big, hairy, lazily written balls.