
So any predictions for how tonight's World Series game will end?
- A pitcher balks in both the tying and winning runs ala Charlie Brown
- Popup to the catcher followed by a series of errors allows the batter to score.
- Home plate umpire turns out to be the national anthem singer, who then foils a plot to assassinate the

I didn't know Peter Lorre's grandson took up acting.

Thank you, young President Obama!

I told you to shave those sideburns!

They've had two in my lifetime so I'm good!

Lady Gaga, tear down this wall!

I love legitimate theater.

I'd prefer to imagine this as some Angry Cat posting:
>Blink 182 (died in a car crash/drowned/were horribly murdered by a gang of escaped convicts/were visiting an Albuquerque nursing home at the same time as Gus Fring)?
…Angry Cat picture…

Not if the Harlem Globetrotters have anything to say about it!

Is that the one with McGruff the Crime Dog as the Colonel?  I still miss his line "They don't teach tact at the Academy!" from the DVD release.

BOOOOO!!!  I wanted a free miniature American flag.

Don't you mean, "Did you hear me, Ethan Hawke, star of the original motion picture Getaway, with live action, non-cgi stunts, in theaters now!"?

Well she's got some free time to give lessons now that she's not running the Department of Homeland Security.

Little known fact - Professors at MIT choose which grad students to advise based on their wrestling ability and the PhD general exam culminates in a winner takes all tournament.

Well I couldn't before!

Who the hell is maligning Mutations?  They need their ass kicked as much as Sea Change.

Deep Space Homer covered here.  Although I will need an inanimate carbon rod to properly pass on the story.

I'm glad they got past those first generation issues with the rubber skin.

Can't we just run him over with a supercharged riding mower?

That's your third helping, young man.  It's making you fat and soft … and tender.  You cut in line, didn't you?  Report to detention  @avclub-c3420bfbd159b546b7ac7f38c6f7fa55:disqus .