
As someone marrying a Chinese woman in 10 days, I can vouch for them and their superstitions. Here was the process for coming up with our wedding date:
- Need it in April before her parents leave (yes, despite it being the fourth month)
- 4/4 is right out! Plus Easter weekend
- 4/11? Well 11 is like two single people

My first thought was that the ribbons were fairly accurate… then I noticed the lack of campaign stars on the Iraq Campaign Medal and no NCOPD Ribbon for an E-6.

Casting call: "White male, overweight, hasn't shaved in a few days." Shouldn't be too hard to fill. Maybe Christian Bale can gain a few pounds for the part.

It moved me…TO A BIGGER HOUSE! Wait, I said the loud part quiet and the quiet part loud.

Yes! "Launch the Super-X!" is about the only thing I remember from that film. Wasn't there all this build-up to it and then the Super-X only lasted about 5 seconds?
Other acceptable Friday entries:
- Godzilla 2000 with its final scene of "Thank you, Godzilla!" cutting to Godzilla continuing to destroy Tokyo.
- Bambi vs.

MUTA 8 - Everyone's favorite! And I thought "National Guard fort" implied crappy.

The Hobbit? Let's not bet against Peter Jackson!

I can only assume that in the Batman universe, football has started using undercard games, much like boxing and MMA. Because there's no way Cutler is a QB on the title match of the day.

Shots of something you shouldn't do shots with and terrible tattoos? That's Soldiers for you…

Trent Reznor?

It actually makes me a little less likely to use one - "I thought it was fine but now it requires courage to use one? Is there some issue I'm missing? Will it self-destruct if I never use that damn start screen"

I'm sad that they didn't keep the panda-loving member of the Army Body Composition Program from the pilot.

I want to be a unit that uses a 10 meter range with full-size target for rifle qual.

Another option - Fantasy Cloud City - with Lobot as the Ricardo Montalban character and one of those Ugnots or whatever they're called as the guy who goes "Da plane! Da plane!" (or "Da Super Star Destroyer! Da Super Star Destroyer!"? We can work on it in rewrites)

But no equivalent of the Los Pollos Hermanos apron.

But it's much easier to pull off uniform violations and when you're downrange rather than garrison…uh, not that I'd know from personal experience or anything.

Violations of AR 670-1 everywhere! EVERYWHERE!!!

I'd prefer to think that he's a big fan of military movies and renamed himself after Pvt "Lighten Up" Francis from Stripes and Pvt Leonard "Gomer Pyle" Lawrence from Full Metal Jacket.

Let's not forget Unicron

John Kruk vs Randy Johnson - Ugliest All-Star matchup of all time?