
He also has a Doctor of SCIENCE! degree from MIT.

Yes. I mean No.

Seeing as how Homer has three dimensions in this park, you may have to settle for erotic cakes.  Or maybe just frinkahedron-shaped cakes.

Which place is going to serve the uter-braten?

But there's very little meat in those gym mats.

Ay! Un gato malodoro!

I'll be the first to answer with The Empire Strikes Back.  Vader chopping off Luke's hand may have made an impression on my 3 year old mind.

You suck McBain!  Wait, we are quoting The Simpsons here, right?

Because Heisenberg would never try to pin his crimes on someone else.

I haven't been able to watch Fox since I learned about how they owned those chemical weapons plants in Syria.

Empire Strikes Back when I was three.  Probably not the best age to see some guy's hand get chopped off by his father.

Just like Torgo.  And Torgo's parentage is never fully explained…

But does Martin have the requisite boorish manners for Yale?

I don't want to live in a world where a presidential candidate can't have Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan as a favorite movie.

I don't want to live in a world where a presidential candidate can't have Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan as a favorite movie.

A while back, Universal Studios had a Star Trek attraction where visitors could play different parts in the show.  I got to be the pet monster dog and my older brother got to be the Klingon navigator shot by the captain.  It was awesome and my brother deserved it if he questioned the captain's right to keep pet

A while back, Universal Studios had a Star Trek attraction where visitors could play different parts in the show.  I got to be the pet monster dog and my older brother got to be the Klingon navigator shot by the captain.  It was awesome and my brother deserved it if he questioned the captain's right to keep pet

"Revenge is a dish best served cold.  It is very cold in [place Khan hits]."  Please let it be DC so I can quote Star Trek II endlessly.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold.  It is very cold in [place Khan hits]."  Please let it be DC so I can quote Star Trek II endlessly.