The Spirit of the Staircase

You can verify it yourself with IMDb or Wikipedia, or by watching your favorite episode and looking for his name in the credits- comes up at about 1:55 in this clip.

I believe the score for Eastbound & Down was handled by MC5 guitar legend Wayne Kramer. I was already a fan of him, but I guess that's another feather in his cap.

Those are all elderly lady names- you need more of a middle-aged lady name. I'm going with Debbie. I think twenty percent of my mother's friends are named Debbie.

A confused Keanu Reeves signed on for an adaptation of Gene Golub and Charles van Loan's Matrix Computations.

I thought it said "fantastic beats", and that this "spin-off" was some sort of DJ contest.

I'll trade you for Matthew Perry's.

Real gangstas don't flex nuts 'cause real gangstas know they got 'em.

Yep, I knew this one right away. I remember the Post-Standard having a story when it was first installed.

And yet Republicans keep getting elected.

Not me! Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity convinced me to spend all my money buying gold.

A woman is sitting on the porch, and her husband is walking down the street returning from town with a duck under his arm.
"I just wanted you to get a look at the cow I've been screwing for the last ten years," the husband says.

"Hey George, it's your cousin Marvin! You know, Marvin Bush! You know that new justification for military force you've been looking for? Well listen to this!" (NSA taps phones in effort to find whatever "this" is.)

I decided just this morning, having never seen an episode, that the "T.J." in T.J. Hooker must stand for "Tiberius James".

I would expect you of all people to know it was an unsuccessful cross-over with The Prisoner.

Well, it's too bad they didn't think to poll you for your impeccably articulated and defended position before they wasted their time with all those words. I still like it, so nuts to you, Mohamad Taufiq McGillicuddy.

Princess stripper slaves could actually be a much better story. Maybe they were once a proud, ruling class until the Empire conquered their planet. To humiliate them, the Empire took their royalty and made them work as pleasure women for their officers. They decided to do whatever they could to help the rebellion, and

If anyone was, I hate them.

Ming: How peaceful it looks.
[He activates a console, and watches as the prequel trilogy is filmed and Star Wars becomes a critically derided. They both get a good laugh out of it]
Klytus: Most effective, Your Majesty. Will you destroy this film series?
Ming: Later. I like to play with things a while before annihilation.

That's the great thing abut presidents- they'll be gone after four or eight years, but their Supreme Court nominations can linger for decades to come!

'Cause Charlie Daniels ain't getting any thinner.