

I tend to think that about every movie in a language I don't speak. I watched a digital copy of Oldboy that was dubbed once, and it did not have anywhere near the emotional resonance of the film the first time I saw it.

Fuck yeah, Timecrimes!

You just blew my mind.

< i > word < / i > without any spaces gives you word.

A Clockwork Orange. Wait, what?

I liked New Wave, but hated White Crosses. NW was them doing something different and I could get on board, but after that it was more of the same.

Come back, manure!

Hey, I just watched Space Jam on Friday. What are the odds?

Ha ha… Butz.

I get it!

Nah, go ahead.

5, 6, 7, 8!

It's disappointing that Death just serves as narrator here, apparently. I remember Death in the book being almost a character unto itself, rather than just someone telling us a story. Granted, that would be incredibly difficult to convey onscreen in a non-silly way, but reducing the character to simply Narrator kind

That movie is not justly forgotten. That movie is kind of fucking awesome.

Now that you mention it, most movies could take place in the Blade universe.

I take it you haven't heard the origin of Nickleback.

The last time I saw them was their tour with RBF and Streetlight Manifesto, and while that show was a total blast, it was clear that well over half the crowd had unintentionally stopped caring about Less Than Jake.

Saw a trailer for this before Monster's University in a theater mostly full of excited children. Nobody laughed once.
