"Bart, let's see… Art, Cart, Dart, Eart… nope! Nothing wrong with that!"
"Bart, let's see… Art, Cart, Dart, Eart… nope! Nothing wrong with that!"
Brian plays Buster, the Mayor or whatever unspecified City leader-type role.
Would you stake your Pulitzer on it?
It is an awful movie, but I must admit, I still, to this day, find myself saying, "I am bery, bery sneaky."
Not gonna lie, that sounds fantastic.
Next year at AV Fest?
Ok, you're racist.
You're right! Pretend happiness, here I come!
I wish I could start drinking at work.
Does Eckhart just want his kids back?
This Garcia fellow seems to be full of hot air.
He's also in The Core, which is one of the most gloriously stupid movies ever.
A surly O'Neal? Hey! It's Friday!
Elevate me!
Those names seem fake, but I have literally no way of confirming that.
Brunch. Let's not go crazy here.
¿Donde está Luciérnaga?
I have some bad news for you…
That reminds me of The Fun Park, a cheapie horror flick that my buddies found in a $2 bin at Wal-Mart. It's the story of an evil clown who lives at an abandoned amusement park and who kidnaps people who enter and kills them by ripping their faces off and it is the Most. Boring. Movie. Ever. I just don't even know how…
How embarrassing for you.