
Lochte loves that show. He gives it six swims.

He didn't answer the important question. How will this impact the filming of Good Will Hunting 2: Hunting Season?

Everysings you are doings is bad, I vhants you to know zis.

Or mo-capped by Andy Serkis.

Who holds back the electric car? Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star?

Why not both? Or not? Or whatever?

The love story is pretty goddamn lame actually. It's a lot of, "we're learning how to kill people by throwing knives and it's pretty badass, but then Four's hand grazed mine and now I'm all a-flutter and I'm going to spend six paragraphs talking about that instead."

I read that in Stefon's voice.

I wouldn't say The Help is a bad movie. Of course I also wouldn't say it's a good one.

I'm still not convinced.

I only got into them, like two years ago when I borrowed a copy of Let It Be from the library. First listen, I instantly regretted every decision I'd ever made that led to that not happening sooner.

Keep clear of the dentist though. He hasn't showered.

Get out of my head.

Between this and that N'Sync photo from earlier…

One of the best Journey songs ever…

"Which one's Logjammin'?"

Oh, I love Seasons 4 and 5, but to me it just can't be denied that the show changed from here on out. There's still ample greatness, just of a different kind.

Disappointed these reviews are going away, but not wholly surprised. It would have been nice to see these through a bit farther, what with "My Lunch," "My Musical," and that Wizard of Oz episode still to come, but it is definitely undeniable that from this point on the show takes a dip in quality. Season 8, though!

I grant that the Moore era regularly skirted ridiculousness, and yet, the only Bond film I truly, truly dislike is Die Another Day.

In 1983 I was still three years away from being born.