
I am aware of, and enjoy that movie. I still stand by what I said.

Where did all this dust and onion-chopping come from?

The Iron Giant is still his best role to date.

They nailed it on the abundance of sequels and 3D, though.

It's your density.

"John Goo-oodman,
He dips beneath lasers,

Get fuck the out!

King of Thieves: Good. Return of Jafar: Bad on an incomprehensible level.

No, it wasn't.

One of my favorite parts of "His Story II" is J.D. deliberately passing off the narration by slapping Turk on the side of the head.

I see what you did there, but don't rub it in.

How about the UN?

Blaine: "And now, look! It's Brian Dunkleman!"

I'm really bummed because I dropped Directv so I have no way of watching BB live.

Jerry Only is a tool.

Wow. That is overwhelmingly punk rock.

I get it!

Aside from a Greatest Hits compilation that I bought back when I still thought Greatest Hits compilations were things worth owning, the only Rush album I own is Moving Pictures, and it's such a perfect distillation of what makes Rush awesome. There's technical, musical precision, dense explorations of various themes,

It's a beauty way to go.

"Whew, I thought they were talking about me for a second." - Jeff Mangum.