
He couldn't commit to cutting off his Livestrong bracelet, so he took drastic measures to cover it up.

Is this the Ant-Man anticipation thread?

My dad's a truck driver and he told us that, "10-4, good buddy" means something very different than what we thought it did. Let's just say it's a code for something.

No. For my money, the ending is what really sold me on it.

Maxwell's Silver Douche

And Minnesotan.

There's a clip during the closing credits of Waking Sleeping Beauty of him and Angela Lansbury recording "Be Our Guest," and I really, really want to see the entire thing.

Although, in the movie's defense, it is a Zach Snyder movie, where the stupidest, most dangerous option is always the best one.

Given that its attachments are almost too perfectly placed, no, it's not just you.

So was Pa Kent evil in that movie? "Don't save people, Clark. Hide under that overpass, everyone." I think he might have been evil.

I'm gonna throw my hat in the ring for Shelby Fero and Julieanne Smolinski.

About a month ago I was at a really loud bar, and Men In Black came on all the televisions, and you could actually sense that about half the people in that place just wanted everybody to shut the fuck up so they could watch it. Me included.

The five minutes where he was allowed to talk were the only part of X-Men Origins: Wolverine that I liked.

Yes, but Molly Shannon was also in Superstar, which is an unholy plague upon this earth that should be destroyed with fire. So there's that.

It's in that video that @avclub-694104966ad4a9479e60c69b5c40dac5:disqus linked to, about 17:50 in is when the bit starts.

They should really give Arrested Development an Emmy, so that way they have it.

My favorite cheap "Hats" joke was, again, Ryan with a lampshade on his head. "Care to have a 3-way?"

With the wig, you remind me of Julia.

"If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy, then people will try to catch you, because, hey, free dummy.

I loved the ending. Yeah, it's super telegraphed, but I still laughed my ass off at the sheer audacity.