
Maybe you'd feel differently if you would, for once in your life, actually stop and make that motherfucker hammer time.

"What's he doing here? You know I don't like these people. Surgeons! Not African-Americans."
"We're actually saying, 'black' now."
"I was right, Catherine!"

You didn't see Monsters University, did you?

@avclub-cf38ad14d65e2e248e320e8f214a5f40:disqus Most "just friends" roommates don't also sleep in the same bedroom.

Did you at least keep the animation rights?

Worse than the heart kid?

Are we not allowed to like Rock-A-Doodle? Because I may have a problem with that.

Because it's Ninja Turtles and I can't help it.

"Chevy Nova?"

I love that movie and still watch it every couple months and quote along with the entire damn thing. Amazingly, I have a girlfriend.

@avclub-b32768df2cfff3a5ab1a78d093711e2c:disqus I know. I was quoting the movie, hoping for a nice, albeit brief, back and forth.

They are stupid.

The bit of him getting out of the chair that way is the best part.

So, Kirk Cameron Left Me Behind?

If we finally get Bebop and Rocksteady in a live action movie, I'll go see it. Okay, I was probably already going to go see it.

I actually had Golden Grahams for breakfast today. WOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

I recall actually liking this movie. I haven't seen it since it came out though. I do remember Gandolfini being awesome though, as was his norm.

Sorry for the link, I'm not actually a spam account, please don't flag me!!!!!!!

Because then we have it!