
You go sit in the corner and think about what you've done.

Spider-Man And I Have A Running Joke But Hardly Ever See Each Other Outside Of Work: The Movie

It's a result of our rapier wit.

"BA-RRI-HING! Hi, Dan? Coxarooney. Regarding the rum and coke issue? Couldn't be more confused."

I love the scene at Turk and Carla's rehearsal dinner as Turk is making up with Carla and sticks his fingers in Freddy's wine glass.

What's the consensus around here on The Ward? Because I, fully recognizing that it's nowhere close to being one of his better efforts, still found it a perfectly decent, and fairly spooky little flick.

Well yeah, but he's only known how to fly at that point for like a day.

How dare you prevent us from arguing! Also, the answer is Paul.

I saw Man of Steel and liked it way more than I was expecting. Seeing Before Midnight and possibly Much Ado About Nothing next weekend, looking forward to that more.

I was thinking that same thing too, I think it's supposed to be viewed as one city (and Smallville, which gets the shit kicked out of it as well) versus the whole world being destroyed.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus That's understandable. Death Proof is still very much a Tarantino movie first and foremost.

The difference lies in the intent of both. Planet Terror seemed to be more of Rodriguez riffing on the idea of a b-movie, whereas Death Proof was more Tarantino just straight-up making one.

The missing reel gag is so much better utilized in this than it was in Death Proof, but Death Proof is the better movie.

Seeing Grindhouse is the most fun I've ever had in a movie theater.

I'm with you, dude.

What's he know about wearin' a wolf on his noggin?


Scorsese, though.

I don't know, I think as a reanimated corpse he'd be too distracted… keeping himself fresh.

Thanks! Nice to be appreciated.