
My favorite part is how he misspelled "Klan" by spelling it correctly.

Goddamn metaphors gettin' into the trash cans.

I tend to lean towards "it."

I'm gonna see it.

So… British?

MR. WORLDWIDE!! That's all I got.

Give it time.

Two questions for the record, both dealing with pronunciation: is it "The It Crowd," or "The I-T Crowd?"

Another one I've done recently is Charlie Wilson's War. Again, not a classic, there is definitely some stuff wrong with it (the badly CGI'd scenes of war spring to mind), but the dialogue and performances are terrific.


Friday I felt less than terrific so I stayed in and, after a nap, I rewatched Catch Me If You Can, which I forgot how much I enjoy.

Eat the pennies!

I love that Dean's rebel goth outfit is still an embroidered Venture uniform. Such a great touch.

Is it weird that the idea of Rocky and Ivan Drago banging works for me? Specifically when Rocky looks like Dr. Mrs. The Monarch?

That is just cold.

Season 4 was so off, this can only lead to good things.

I'm adequately prepared to rock.

I'd like to hear more about that. Specifically, what is sex?

What are you talking about? That was artistic as fuck!

*sounds of rubble and debris hitting the ground* *looks around to see O'Neal-shaped hole in the wall*