
"Tastes a lot like praise."

Titanic 2: Electric Berg-aloo

I don't mind the trailers. It's the half hour of non-movie-related commercials before the trailers that bug me.

Rønning and Sandberg. So hot right now. Rønning and Sandberg.

I just liked this comment and the number of likes jumped from 44 to 52. That's probably because I'd had the page open for a while, but I'm just going to assume that one of my likes is worth eight of yours.

@avclub-aa53130a99394dfe5d442c3346fbaf6b:disqus Maybe that's what I'm thinking of.

I got into a discussion like this over the weekend about Angel. Obviously it's different as Angel got 5 full seasons, but a friend of mine was arguing that the show was just finally realizing its potential (a not entirely valid point, in my mind, yes, season 5 is amazing, but it was pretty damn good prior to that) and

Oh god, that suit is amazing. And when he goes to buy it I was thrilled because I had forgotten Joel Hodgson was involved with this show.

I didn't watch this when it first aired, but I caught up with it first about five years ago when I was about 21, and it didn't do a whole lot for me. To be honest, I found it kind of boring. In retrospect, I think I was still too close to the feelings and situations being presented to really, truly appreciate it.

Yeah, I could've almost sworn they had definitely done that.


Really? Because as far as I'm concerned, that movie can die in a goddamn fire.

It was a good effort, though.

What's that extra tit for?

I want this to win.

But if he leaves, what will that mean for his many recurring characters? Like… um…


I still haven't seen Valhalla Rising, but fucking hell is Drive all kinds of awesome.

The Godfather isn't that great an adaptation.

Anya's death bummed me out. She was my favorite character, and I suppose she was more "disposable" than anyone else, give or take Andrew, whom I also love, and I understand that the point of the whole thing is that the stakes are real, and sometimes people die without an overwhelmingly obvious purpose, but it still