
Still, where did the ooze come from?

"I think he probably just wants to do… Megan Fox."

I would honestly love to see Daniel Day Lewis in a Michael Bay movie, provided he approached it with his usual level of commitment.

"They're saying I 'dis-armed' him."
beat "S'pretty good."

This Addiction was pretty bad as well.

He only got two songs on Goddamnit, and they're the two worst songs on Goddamnit.

If they'd have just gone with The 1-ders, that would have solved their problems.

"You… doing that thing you do, breaking my heart into a million pieces, like you always do."


Might I engage in a little comment-avatar synergy and say how much I love 10 Things I Hate About You?

Given that he went the "Child star to dark indie film" route, I really expected him to turn out to be a pretentious dickhead. I am very pleased with how wrong I was.

Now you listen here, Mr. Kickass. Mr. Rub-ber-bur-ner.

@avclub-d6eadece4ff78746d933232818ee5e69:disqus My anal-retentiveness butted heads with my inattentive typing, causing several edits, which apparently will cause said flagging.



I drove by one of the local theaters and saw something called Temptation was playing and thought, "What in the holy fuck is that?"

I appreciate your support.

Well, now that that's settled…

"I'm not taking the blindfold off until you can assure me your costume doesn't have lips anymore."

Bender, with his in-your-face interface.