
Not with that kind of star power!

Hey! The guy on the right was in Sydney White! Further proof that my avatar is more of a gimmick than I had initially hoped for.

I would prefer not to. Sorry Bartleby.

The fact that there isn't a "The Other Sean O'Neal" gimmick account for moments such as this kind of bums me out.

It's called Incredible Crew and I watched about ten minutes of it once. It's pretty much the worst thing ever.

Also valid points.

That reminds of something someone said about that (don't remember who) that made all of the sense: people loved the new Star Trek because it was Star Wars, and people hated the new Star Wars because it was Star Trek.

Did someone call me? I thought I heard my name.

Hey, it's Friday. He's gotta get down on Friday.

'92, bitches!

Oh no, not Cagney.

I agree with your second list as a kid perspective. Swap 1 and 2 on your first list and you'd have mine.

"Here goes… what are we on?"
"Uh, G."
"Here goes, Gakface."

The Winter Soldier sort of sounds like it could describe Jeremiah Johnson (I know, he wasn't a soldier, just a fucking badass).

Yo Jim! Bo and I are headed home to check out the Kurosawa marathon!

Agreed. I just watched that all the way through for the first time like two months back, and found it perfectly enjoyable, in a lazy Sunday morning kind of way.

Ok, good.

This continues to sound like a terrible idea, but am I alone in actually kind of liking the new show on Nick?

The part this story doesn't mention is how they brought Barton Simpson to the courtroom. Simpson insisted they could have just called him, but Burns said he prefers the hands-on touch you only get from hired goons.

Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos.