
"What? What is he talking about?" *scrolls up* "Oh my."

Seriously, so good. Just fleet and actiony. And *SPOILER ALERT* that scene with Fred and Wesley just killed me.

I just got done watching Angel for the first time (awesome, loved the series finale), but I had a hearty guffaw when the vampire from the US version of Being Human showed up towards the start of the Jasmine arc, and Boreanaz beats the piss out of him. I love retroactively hilarious things.

I remember wanting to see this, and then I didn't. I never said it was a good story.

How dare you?!

"Hey Rooney, remember 21 Jump Street? And how everybody liked me in 21 Jump Street? You remember that, Rooney? 21 Jump Street? Remember? Remember, Rooney? Rooney?"

It's either really bad, or they're learning. I know which one I think is more plausible.

I don't see why I should pretend I'm not home because you're not that kind of girl. Now that's weird.

Hey, thanks! BTW, it was Tattoo.

I also noticed what seemed to be a dalmatian Nibbler.

Trying to think of a non-pervy way to ask which movie is the one with the naked girl… nope, can't do it.

I have no way of confirming whether or not this is actually true, so I have to rely on my old standby of assuming Nick Offerman would be perfect for everything.

A 4 out of 5?! That's ridiculous! How dare you have opinions!!!

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus They are suprisingly difficult to keep clean.

Same here, kind of surprised, actually, at how much I enjoyed it. I'd go so far as to compare it to Argo, nothing revolutionary about them, but they're just solid movies.

Ooh, see, I think I watched Wild Strawberries before Ikiru and the latter suffered from the comparison. I think this speaks well of both films.

So you've got some free time, then? You wanna come clean my house?

"Do they rock or suck?"
"They have not started playing yet."

"Rize of the Fenix" is pretty great, although I feel like it, at times, gets lost in this middle zone between music and comedy. Mostly it lands on Jack Black, who, at times, doesn't fully commit to the singing, because he's trying to be funny, only it's not overtly funny enough to support that kind of thing. Plus I

Paris, Texas is a beautiful film. I'm excited for you.