
That's actually pretty awesome for you, then.

Eli Wallach gets a pass, though, on account of being Eli Wallach, and therefore, awesome.


I did "And She Was," sorry.

No! The AV Club overlords say it's bad!

Google's Bacon Number thing proved that that's apparently pretty easy already. You had to type in someone who's been dead for a couple decades to get a number higher than 2.

I want to hear more about Wolverine's neck balls.

You're goin' places, kid. Just you wait.

Ha! I get it, because of genitals, right?

Ha! I get it, because of genitals, right?

I am so morbidly curious about this, but I guess I'll pass.

Fair warning about The Ladykillers: Marlon Wayans is inhumanely obnoxious in it, and as a pretty straightforward remake (aside from the setting) it's fundamentally pointless. However, Tom Hanks is clearly having a ball and the soundtrack rules. I say see it.

I hope so?

Coen Brothers, so, yeah.

Nor am I.

No. No we can't.


Can I touch you?

@avclub-55e3810d28d3d3b098f2405b29602eea:disqus @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus  Hopefully this helps.

They posted the question as a status update, then you just post a comment.