
I submitted "Total Eclipse of the Heart" on Facebook, and I really, really, really want that to happen. Unless it's by Cursive.


@avclub-f89827bb9d3e10d3c0abbe32af4af1f2:disqus I don't know that "softened" would be the right word.

Yeah, he wrote that, and I thought, "Because that's a bad thing?" Then the very next sentence cops to its obvious awesome-sauce-ness.

Are you trying to rip off Cookie Monster's gimmick?

Why does this film get so much grief for its use of blackface, when Holiday Inn and Swing Time somehow seem to skirt the issue entirely?

It's a ripoff of a show about Abraham Lincoln.

I think it would be justified. Hey-O!

Prose would lend itself poorly to the tale of that one man from Nantucket.


Super was the movie Kick-Ass should have been.

@avclub-52883377da5367bc9205062d52c08dbc:disqus *golf clap*

@avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus Ever the voice of grammatically shaky reason.

So I says to Mabel, I says…


Is that like, "If you build it, he will come?"

I was really, genuinely bummed when he dropped out of doing The Hobbit.

@avclub-ec160682cb3586d851071e80ec63d6c0:disqus That's bad.

With Wanda Sykes as the sassy one.

That's alright, I hear the yogurt's cursed anyway.